Thursday, July 12, 2012

Favorite Thursdays

I've been so busy lately, with wedding season and lots of other shoots, that it has been difficult to write anything! Even my article for BBP Magazine was last minute.
I'm not proud of that either!
I wanted to talk about some of my favorite things...and some of my not so favorite things haha.

This week, I had a TF (time-for, basically means unpaid) shoot with a photographer I had never worked for before. We'll call him Phil. He offered to do a TF shoot with me sometime, if I ever wanted to. Well, I did have a shoot in mind! Now, I can't tell you all the things he said because it will give away who this photog is. I don't want to ruin his rep, I just wanted to tell a story.
So after he was rude to one of my models, he continued to do rude things throughout the shoot, but not before he told me to hold his sunglasses.
I do not mind helping every once in a while, especially if asked nicely, but he shoved his glasses at me and then proceeded to be so rude that I cut the shoot short.
You may be thinking, "Well, sheesh, Morgan, what's the point of this story?"
Well, while we were walking around, a part of his sunglasses must've fallen off!! Hahaha
I promise I didn't break them!
Let's just say he can no longer wear them! Hahahaha!
That was my favorite part of the whole shoot.
Thus, making it the favorite moment of the week so far.

My other favorites include:
-My sparkly star ring I got at a Buck Jewelry
-Pinteresting for shoot ideas
-Nice Photographers!!
-This really cool bronzer from Stila- Click here for Bronzer's link!
-Planning my move to a whole new city for Cosmetician school (EEEK!!!)
-Designing the matching tattoo with my sister that we'll probably never get! haha
-Hello Kitty anything!
Image: Google

-Feeling very content and restless at the same time
-Almost having your diploma!!
-The Red Dirt Daughters (

My not-favorites include:
-Wearing black and having your dog's hair stick to it!
-Pinteresting and coming across porn-ish images. Really, people?!
-RUDE Photogs.
-Looking a little TOO tan from over-bronzing haha
-Paying for the move to a new city...GULP
-Trying to eat healthier...I miss you, Toaster Strudels...
-Second day mascara that insists on clumping.
-Feeling so restless! I will be glad for some traveling next month.

So this is my week so far!
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Oh, Italy, I am so pumped to meet you!
Well, I shouldn't get ahead of myself.
I still have a little less than 2 months before I board my flight to Italy, never to return again!
Ok, just kidding, I'll be back in 2 weeks haha.
It looks like we will be seeing Naples, Pompeii, Rome, Venice, Florence, the Amalfi Coast...Oh, I am so excited.
(This is the Amalfi Coast)

The reason for my seemingly pointless bragging about this fabulous trip??
I was thinking about it, and this trip is like everything in life:
If you want something bad enough, you'll work your hiney off to do it.
I found out about a yeart ago that Matt was being stationed at Aviano Air Base in Northern Italy. Immediately, I knew I had to go!
It has not been easy to afford this trip.
I was in school full-time, working at the boutique, subbing and trying to build my own brand as a makeup artist.
I come from a family of hard-workers, but I would definitely say that I am not even close to being the hardest working one.
My point is, I KNEW Italy was a once-in-a-lifetime trip!
If I didn't work hard to save up, I might never get another chance.
It's like with my business: I want clients, so I'm persistant about e-mailing business contacts and even doing some TF work just to spread my name.
I'd bet money that every successful person out there would say the same thing: You have to work hard to get what you want.
I'm sorry for this kind of peppy sounding post...I know I've been down lately, but I've just been pretty happy and I'm even more so happy that all this hard work is about to pay off!

With all my love, Morgan

Friday, May 25, 2012

I was sitting here at work, feeling sorry for myself, because things don't really feel like they're going anywhere.
I feel very much like a stagnant being, and I find myself unsatisfied and, ok, more than a little pathetic.
Here I am, in this summer where nothing will change.
Not that it won't be worth it:
I will be going to Italy and then coming home and starting esthetician school.
It will be a new part of my life!
I guess I am just impatient for it.
I think I've been counting on my trip to Italy to change me.
There are a lot of things I expected from it that I wouldn't put online.
I know, I know, I said I'd be honest!
But some things are too embarrassing for even me to admit.
I guess I thought I would be a different person: more adventurous, happier...
You get the gist.
I am starting to realize that nothing I do on the outside, like traveling, changing my hair color, getting new clothes, whatever, will make much of a difference.
I need to accept that Italy and all that this trip represents to me is just that:
A trip that I am lucky to go on.
I have to change myself from the inside to ever feel complete.
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't go to God about this, but that's exactly who I need to turn to when I feel down and out.

On a much lighter note, I would like to list out why today is going to be an awesome day:

1. I have leftover pizza for lunch...which is pretty much my favorite type of pizza! haha

2. I have a photo shoot with BRC Photography. Benita, the owner/photographer is so wonderfully talented. I really enjoy working with her and seeing her vision come together.

3. I really like my hair today. Ok, that's super shallow haha, but I'm growing it out and I don't always like it!!

4. I am going to get through today, this work shift, the shoot, the drive home, and I'm going to go to bed and tomorrow will be a new day.

With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Past Few Weeks in Review

I have had such a busy month of May!
Technically, I should be doing some work for my online 2-week interim course for First Aid
(Yes, I do indeed hate myself already for it! Haha.)
But see, I didn't think to order the book it needs!
I have placed my order however, and it'll be in tomorrow.
So I am going to play catch up haha.
So, as for the past few weeks:
I graduated from Rose State! Ignore my dumb looking was raining all that day and it was not cooperating at all!
I am technically a summer candidate, but I don't care! Haha
This is my "something new." I had never graduated from an institution of higher education.
My little sister graduated from high school!
Those are her two best friends, Tim and Dylan.
She was honored as a National Honor Society Member, National Forensic League (with, I believe, an honorary degree!!) and a frequent blood donor. She's the woman!! Haha

It's been a crazy few weeks gone by, and I'm glad it's coming to a close.
I feel worn out!! Haha.

Also, have you guys tried these??
I'm OBSESSED!!! I love them! Haha

And, alas, I am sad, for this is what I did to my phone just last night:
I popped the camera button right off!
I didn't even realize I did it until this morning!
On a positive note, I did get a mani/pedi.
Well, not a real mani. I just had them shape up and paint my nails.
I hate to paint my own nails.

Also, I would like to announce that even though this has been probably the toughest semester of my college career, I made A's and B's.
I will take that! Hahaha.

Something I didn't want to do? I hung out with someone even though I really wanted to stay in my comfort zone and blow this person off.

Hoping to blog more now that it's summer,
with all my love, Morgan

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What a Long Day!

And it's not over yet!
I am definitely ready to go home, eat some spaghetti and sleep.
Unfortunately, I will have to postpone the sleeping thing.
I need to clean my makeup brushes sooo bad.
I hate to do it, but they really need it! Haha
Plus, I have about another hour of work so I'm not going anywhere for a little while.
SInce I LOVE lists, here is my to-do list:
1. Clean makeup stated earlier haha
2. Get makeup organized for the opening of MacBeth tomorrow night.
3. Laundry...Note to self: aren't you sick of wearing all the stuff from your sister's closet?! Wash yo clothes, fool!
4. Study -_-
5. Take some tests -_-
6. Figure out Life Plan

Ok, I'm just kidding on the last one! Haha. I wish I was kidding about all of that list though!!
You know, sometimes I look at my life and just think:
Ok, God, where are we going with this??
I see my friends being able to date and let people in their lives.
(Although, it would probably be easier for me to date if I was ever asked out by some medium other than a Facebook message...not that I'm not appreciative, just commenting!)
I have to wonder what makes things so easy for them, that they can meet people and it's like, Bam! Ok, we like each other now.
The only thing that makes me feel better about it is hoping it's not as easy as it appears.
I don't mean to sound pathetic, because I have to believe that there is someone for me that God has in mind and it's just not the right time for me to meet him, I'm more amazed at how easy it is for people to open up to others when it is so dang hard for me.
But heck, I'm also amazed that some people actually like  Math enough to major in it, so what do I know? Haha.
When I was growing up, my mom and sister didn't understand why it was so hard for me to make friends. Thank goodness my father and youngest sister have a shy streak too or I would've been a total outcast amongst my outgoing relatives haha.
I'd just always think people didn't want me around so I won't bother them.
Even today, I give myself pep talks to make myself seem more outgoing and friendly.
People who drive by me when I'm going to a social event probably think I'm totally nuts!
This post has totally taken a way more serious tone than I originally intended haha.
I am just very tired and a little down today.
It's hard to fake being chipper when all I wanna do is be down for a little while, ya know?

I was at Life Church this past weekend and it was like the pastor, Craig, had read this blog and said:
Hey! I know what you have! It's called a heaviness of the soul!
And I was literally tearing up in the middle of this sermon because it's so true.
He literally said something along the lines of:
Everything is fine, but something is just not right.
And I knew exactly what he was saying.
You should check it out, yo!
I feel like this was a very long and sad post lol.
I'm sorry for my ramblings!!
And I promise for a more upbeat post soon.
with all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

As My Mama Would Say...

I am just full of piss and vinegar today!
I don't know where she gets her little sayings.
She'll do something kinda crafty or impressive and us kids will say:
"Where'd you learn that, Mama?"
And she'll reply, "Oh, I learned it in 'Nam."
My mother was not fighting in "'Nam."
Haha she was barely born!
I don't even think HER dad was stationed in Vietnam!
Or we'll walk outside on a windy day and say:
"Well, it's windier than a sack full of buttholes out here!"
You are so right, Mom, that's exactly what I was thinking hahahaha.

Well, my point is, I am all fired up today!
That is what piss and vinegar means I guess ha ha.
I am very annoyed with school.
People were making fun of me because I got upset when my Hitler and Nazi Germany Professor (Yes, that is the class' actual name haha) asked if we had to choose between certain members of our family, who would we let die? (She was asking this because we were talking about the Jewish ghetto in Krakow and sending people to the camps)
And I said I wouldn't know and it made me really upset to even think about it!
THEN, my supposed "best friend" is terrible about keeping in contact with me.
I swear, I have acquaintances who are better about calling me or messaging me back.
So now, I am just ticked! Lol.
I just want people to let me feel upset about choosing my hypothetical children over my hypothetical mother in the hypotherical Jewish ghetto! It's a very upsetting thing to think about, gosh darn it!
And I just want my best friend to act like he wants to talk to me!
They are average ones!!!!

Ok, I'm done now haha.
I do have a quick beauty tip for you all though.
I just started using Jergens Self Tanning Lotion for body and their stuff for your face.
Well, let me tell you, I really like it!
I was a big fan of the mousse type stuff from Urban Decay but I don't think they make it anymore.
My tip would be to really exfoliate well. It doesn't look dark when you put it on, but I didn't exfoliate well the first night and I had some streaks on my chest the next day.
I can't wait to try out St. Tropez's...My hero, Kandee Johnson, always uses it and gives it rave reviews...only problem is it's pricey!
I got my Jergens Tanner at CVS, but I imagine you can buy it at any drug store or Wally-World or Tarjay!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
With all my love, Morgan

Friday, April 27, 2012


Well, a little while back I made a goal for myself:
1. Do something nice for somebody everyday.
2. Do something I don't want to do as often as possible.
3. Do something new (was it once a month?)

Well, I can tell you right now that I have been keeping up with the middle one!
I have been going to SWITCH, and finishing all my homework assignments and going to class...even when I really really hate my 8 am Mythology class. I mean, that class has so much homework! They do know that 99% of that stuff isn't real right?! Haha

However, I have not been good about doing something nice for others on a daily basis, which is sad because that should be the easiest when you think about it!
As for something new, well, I attribute that to no flippin' free time! I need to quit with the excuses though, I know.

I'm not sure I will tell you all when I do something nice...that feels like I'm trying to get compliments for being decent to other humans!! But when I do something that will be documented! Like, I'm about to graduate from junior college...something new!! Huzzar!!

So for the actual beauty post: I got nothin.'

How pathetic is that? Haha. I have been so focused on finishing school, I'm surprised I've even worn makeup this semester. If you wanna read something about beauty, then you'll just have to check out my article in BBP Magazine! Go subscribe now...why not? It's free! I love free, it's always in my price range!

With all my love, Morgan

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two Million Years Later...

This has been one crazy and great semester for is so hard to do anything else but study and work and study some more! Haha.
I have some really cool things going on right now.
My friends Brandon and Kaitlin (aka Cutest Married Couple Ever) are launching an online magazine.
Click here to see BBP Magazine's Website!
Anyway, they have offered me a chance to be a beauty writer for it! I mean, how exciting is that??
Things have definitely been more positive lately.
I made myself go to SWITCH and it has been so rewarding.
I am kind of co-leading a group of 6th and 8th grade girls and sometimes it just astounds me how much they've gone through.
It is something I pretty much look forward to now!

It has been about, oh, two gazillion years since I wrote about anything beauty related!! Haha.
So, I'll talk about vitamins and the benefits they have for your outside appearance.

Now, I do not have the qualifications to tell you what you should take. Nor do I have the education! Ha! But I can tell you this: Vitamins are not only necessary for fulfilling nutritional needs, but they can greatly improve things like your hair, skin and nails. Now, some people will tell you to take Biotin. It's supposed to make all of that stuff grow and all that jazz. But in my opinion, everything will function better if you take a multivitamin! My mom even says that her Women's Daily multivitamins and Calcium supplements help calm her "Crazy Legs" or Restless Leg Syndrome!
I don't think anything will make your hair or nails grow faster. I do think that by getting the proper nutrition, your body will respond and perform better for you. So talk to your Doc or someone wayyyy more qualified than me, and get yourself a multivitamin! Also, I like to take Omega 3, 6 and 9's...our body needs those Oils but we don't make them! You can eat food high in Omega 3's, but we can't eat salmon everyday! Haha.
Again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!! This is simply my opinion. If you have a question about what vitamin you should take, find an actual doctor...they'll hook you up with some knowledge!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
With all my love, Morgan

P.S. If you want your hair to grow out nicely (not faster...not possible!) You need to exercise, be easy on the heat styling and coloring/bleaching, take your vitamins, wash your hair every other day, use a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove potentially clogging build-up from products and massage your scalp! I know it sounds weird, but it is really relaxing. I've also heard doing hand stands help but I wouldn't know! Hahaha

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Pursuit of Happyness

Yes, I did spell "happiness" wrong on purpose! Haha.
My dear 5 readers, I must make an announcement.
This is the beginning of my pursuit of happiness.
I truly believe my unhappiness is not normal.
I shouldn't be hung up on something that happened a year ago.
I believe that inner joy can only come from God.
And God has truly blessed me but I still don't know how to allow myself to be happy.
I was thinking about it last night and thought to myself:
"Self, now you are happy like 90% of the time. It is only when you allow yourself to dwell on stupid stuff in the past that you have bad days."
So in my pursuit of happyness, I have even talked to my mom about seeking help from a pro.
This is so embarassing for me to put out there for you all to read, but I am very much ready to be happy. I want to let go of everything and be myself again.
I haven't felt like myself in a long time.

So here is my declaration: I will follow my own advice and tell myself I am happy.
But I also have a plan. You know I love lists!!!

Morgan's Game Plan!!!

1. Do something new every week. I would say everyday, but let's take one step at a time here! Haha

2. Do something nice for someone else everyday. This I think is even more so important than my own happiness. I want it to spread to everyone else.

3. Be the best student, daughter, sister, friend, whatever, I can be. I have seriously neglected my friendships and relationships with people and that isn't tolerable anymore.

4. Do something I don't want to do as often as possible. I tend to avoid social situations, anything new or scary, etc. For instance, I have started to volunteer at SWITCH, which is Youth group at Life Church and I constantly think of excuses not to go. Also, I got a makeup job with a photographer this weekend and even though I want to go, I immediately thought of a reason not to go. And it's only because I don't know what to expect!

5. Start checking things off my Bucket List. I am sitting around, wasting my life, and that has got to change. I need to do something at least once a month. This may increase once I graduate from college.

6. I have somehow got to allow myself to be happy. I deserve to be.

With all my love, Morgan

Friday, March 23, 2012

Some Big News Brought to You By My Family!

Well, I have been so busy this semester. I don't remember if I told you, my dear 5 readers, but I may get to walk at graduation this May, and just take my last two classes this summer and get my diploma in August. Well, even BIGGER stuff has gone down! Not for me, but for my sister, Maddie!

You might not be able to see it very well, but my little sister is the new Miss Choctaw 2012!!!!
I'm so happy for her. She has had a tough senior year so far, and she has risen above all of negativity to receive this title. Also, she is the new recipient of the Freshman Achievement Scholarship (I think that's its' name) at UCO...which is the BIGGEST tuition waiver scholarship they offer! I'm so proud of her. She is so deserving of this scholarship. She worked her tail off in drama, volunteering, and most importantly her academics. What person actually elects to take physics when they're not especially gifted in math anyway??? Hahah!
 It almost makes me want to cry because I know she is going to be so successful and happy and I feel like this title and scholarship are her chance at starting fresh and becoming an adult.
Here's a few more pics...I did her hair and makeup.

Casual Wear, after crowning!

Maddie, Me holding up the Dress haha and Miss Choctaw 2011 Melody High marveling at her choice of foot wear for Formal wear! Haha. The dress was too long, so we decided on the highest heels we have! Hahaha

My other hair/makeup appointment, Kenzie Kulig! She is GORGEOUS!!

My two clients before formal wear!

As you can tell, I had such a great time and am very proud of not only my sister, but the other ladies.
I think pageants are often seen as a shallow event. I'm guilty of this thinking too! Ha!
But it takes a lot of guts to get up there and strut your stuff in front of people being paid to judge you!

With all my love, Morgan

Friday, March 9, 2012

To Be Honest...

You've probably seen those all over Facebook at some time or another.
TBH! Like my status! Hahaha. I'm "friends" with some of my 14 year old sister's friends on Facebook and I love to read their posts...always so dramatic and they somehow manage to use more exclamation points than I do! Which is a pretty big accomplishment I think hahaha.
As a blogger with at least 6 readers (Woo-hoo! hahaha) I have always tried to maintain my honesty with my readers. I like to think of us as a weird, "Never actually try to contact me" way!

So here's some honesty for you guys:
I wish today was Thursday so I could call this Truthful Thursday but instead it is.....


So I suppose number one is...I'm feeling really anxious to be finishing school.
Now I actually have to do something with my life! Haha. I thought I had at least 2 more years to figure things out, but with my recent decision to pursue makeup full time, I will not be getting a degree in Social Studies Education anymore.
School was a great thing to hide behind.

Something that I feel ashamed about is...feeling sad.
Now hold on, let me explain!
I feel like I have a lot of great things going for me: I've been talking to lots of photographers and even have a shoot booked for Tuesday morning. No, not the store!! Haha. I'm about to finish school, and lots of other things I don't need to list.
I love this quote from one of my favorite books, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

And I know exactly how that feels! I feel so ingrateful because I have EVERYTHING and I'm still sad.
I just think it makes no sense.
Now, I'm not gonna lie, it has been a lot better lately. I think all of this is a mixture of anxiety about the future (which is stupid because God has a handle on it), school, and a couple of other things.

Recently, I found out my sister might move to Ohio for school.
I don't want to sound all "emo middle school kid" or anything, but I really don't want her to go because I have already lost one best friend and I'm not sure what I would do if I only saw her at holidays and the summer time.
I feel like when she leaves, then that's the last time my siblings and parents will all live together.
And I'm just not ready for that.
Plus, I'm the oldest...shouldn't I be the first to leave?

I promise I'll think of something ultra fun for the next post...but to be honest, I am physically exhausted and I've been doing homework all day so now my brain is tired too! haha.

With all my love on this beautiful Oklahoma day, Morgan

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Things To Do In Your Life

I've been really thinking about things I'd like to do.
I've talked about this before and everytime I think of all the exciting things this world offers I just get so pumped!! Haha. I know God has put them all here and is probably thinking, "Well, Duh there are great things about the world...I MADE it!" Hahaha.
Here is a list (because you know I love lists!!) of the...
To Do List...of Your Life!
Hahaha! Here are the things I personally think everyone should do.
Again, this is my PERSONAL opinion, so if you disagree then I'm sorry but I'm not changing my list! Haha

1. Get Obsessed. For me, it's the Hunger Games. I love the books. I'm officially changing my future husband list to "Must Be Peeta Mellark, or exactly like Peeta Mellark."
Mmmhhhmmm! Josh Hutcherson as Peeta! Ohhhh yeaaahhh! Haha
I already have my tickets for the midnight premiere and I have picked out my nerdy fan shirt!
The point is, I have a lot of fun obsessing over the Hunger Games. Sometimes with my sisters, sometimes my mom, and sometimes total strangers! Hahaha.
So find something, obsess, freak out, have fun.

2. Do something weird to your hair.
I love weird hair.
Is that not so cool??
I'm about to do something weird to mine...I'll be sure to post pics!!

3. Go somewhere you've never been at least once a year.
This year, I get to go to Italy but I would like to go a few other places just in Oklahoma this summer.
I've been thinking about going up north to check out these Indian burial mounds...which, I know, to a normal person that sounds terrible but I'm kind of interested!! Also, the Oklahoma Natural History Museum...and the one museum in OKC near the Zoo; it has the largest collection of Nazi items in the U.S. I've heard!

4. Read the Bible.
I think it is important, for more than the regular Bible school lessons. I love religious studies. I like to research other religions, too! I just finished one about the Hindu god Shiva and it was really interesting.
I think the Bible is really interesting to read because I love history and can tie other knowledge in.
For instance, the city of Caesarea is mentioned several times. It seems like there might have been two versions of it. One built by Herod, and the other by Juba II and Cleopatra Selene, who was Cleopatra's only daughter. The Ptolemy line died with her. Both cities were named for Caesar Augustus, since both men were "client kings." Anyway, not to bore you to tears or anything haha.
I just love the history that ties in!

There's Juba! Hahaha

5. Get a massage.
Why do I say this random and kind of shallow thing?
Because I just bought my first massage off of Groupon!!! Hahaha.
I love much!!

I hope everyone has a great day!
Words of wisdom for your work:
"Failure is an event, never a person." -Craig Groeschel, Life Church
With all my love, Morgan

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Time For a Change.

The time has come for a change.
My goodness, I'm so restless and bored with everything lately.
I know, I sound so ingrateful, but I really don't mean to be.
I've just got to do something different soon or I'll scream.

For instance, I want to go on a road trip really bad.
And I'd like to color my hair something really crazy.
I want to do makeup all the time instead of every once in a while.
I want to graduate from college. Like, yesterday.
I want to see my best friend who I haven't seen since the beginning of November.

I make all these plans, create all these lists and where have they gotten me?
I feel like I'm just in a different place than a lot of my old friends.
I'm not seeing anyone, I'm not engaged or married or reproducing.
Now, before I even go down that pathetic road, there are some serious benefits to being single.
I am independent, I do what I want, I like the freedom that comes along with being a young single woman.
Sometimes I just have to remind myself that there is no rush when it comes to dating or getting married. Just because everyone else is, doesn't mean I have to.
There is something very freeing in that.
I love going to school, even though it stresses me out, and a lot of my friends don't get to do that anymore.
I love my boring life. Because I avoid things like drugs and alcohol, I have stayed true to myself and my beliefs.
And you know what?
Tomorrow may just be a great day for a mini road trip.
Tomorrow I may just have to go buy some purple hair dye.
The makeup jobs will come because I know I'm pursuing what I'm supposed to be doing.
I will be done with my Associate's this summer. I can handle school until early August.
As for my best friend, there is nothing I can do about that. He's in Italy and that's that.
But how amazing is it that I get to do see him in August?
Sometimes I just have to type this out to sort out my sad mood and gain a more positive attitude.

With all my love, Morgan

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Suffer From Foot In Mouth Disease.

It was a good day...
Until I took my foot and shoved it all the way into my mouth and all the way down to my stomach.
Sorry for the gross visuals, but I just have to illustrate how embarassed I feel!
So here's the deal: Just don't ever say anything that could taken as hurtful about ANYONE.
I just did this today. I didn't say it mean heartedly, but when the "messenger" told the woman what I said, it came out sounding so mean. Which basically means that I hurt the feelings of the sweetest woman on this planet. Even sweeter than my grandma!!
So remember, and this seems pretty basic, don't say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face. It will get back to them and you will have to own up to it.
Good job me.

On a good note, I finally feel better. I was sick the past couple days. No bueno!
Also, I will probably get to walk in May with my Associate's in History. I won't get my diploma until after I take two summer classes. Well, actually three. A Physical Ed class, a science with no lab class and Eurpean history from 1500-1815!
I have to get a degree audit but hopefully I can apply for graduation soon!!

Well, off to pull my foot out of my mouth! I have to wax these brows and dye my roots tonight...they joys of being a female!
With all my love, and my now silent lips, Morgan

A picture to live my life by hahahaha

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Don't Like to Make Plans

Well, that probably sounds kinda weird now doesn't it?
I mean, who doesn't like to?
Because everytime I plan for something, God just changes my plans completely.
I thought I didn't want to go to school so I could follow a boy to Texas?
Yeah, right, said God...and my parents haha.
I thought I would go to hair school?
I think I'm going to Tulsa this weekend?
Not gonna happen!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm so glad God has the master plan.
It stresses me out just thinking about my future!
I go back and forth with it:
Do I want to get married and have kids and just raise a family?
Do I want to stay single for a while?
Not that it's even an option right now since my hiatus from dating life, but still, you get the point.
Do I want to go back to school right after esthetician school and pursue my Bachelor's in Social Studies Education? Or do I want to try to make it as a make up artist?
It's a very confusing and busy time in my life right now, which is why I rarely update this thing haha, but I am so grateful to know that as long as I try to follow God's plan, everything will work out fine.
It may not seem like it at the time, but in the end all will be well.
Off to make myself NOT drop one of my 18 hours worth of classes!
Have a great evening everyone,
With all my love, Morgan

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's Day

While it is definitely easy to get all bummed out this time of year, I want to encourage you and give you a good Valentine's Day!
First of all, yes, it sucks to be single on V-Day. Duh, we all know that.
Now get over it.
You know what makes me feel so much better about it?
The fact that allll the candy will be on sale on the 15th!!!
It's true, save your chocolate craving for the day after.
When I worked at a Walgreens, it went 50% off the day after, and I think most places are the same way.
Also, you can take this oppurtunity to wear pink and red together and no one can say a darn thing!
Plus, you can have dresses like these!!!
This one says it's red, but it doesn't look very red to me.
Still amazing!!

This one is from ModCloth...super cute.

This one is only $24.80 from Forever 21!

So, that's all folks!
Maybe I'll do some date night beauty here soon!
Have a beautiful night!
With all my love, Morgan

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Day in the Life of Morgan...

Went a Little Something Like This!
6:51 a.m.: Hear my sister's chihuahua's jingle bell collar. Realizing I woke up 20 minutes late to sub.
6:52 a.m.: Aw, heck yeah! Cinnamon rolls for MacKenzie's 14th birthday! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENZ!!)
8:00 to 2:40: Subbing! We had a short assignment, then played the "laughing game," "7-Up," and Hangman.
I love subbing for English, because I can actually help them.
Oh, inbetween all that, I checked out MacKenzie and Trey so we could get some lunch for Kenz's birthday.
3:15 p.m.: I call back the casting guy for a car show/fashion show.
 (Weird combo, I know, but that's what it is hahaha)
I e-mail him all my pin up style make up looks and he LOVES THEM!!!
I was so excited!
It looks like I will be the make up artist for this show up in Tulsa!
If all works out, I'll be there all three days in February.
Then, feeling inspired, I did my own make up hahaha.

Well, it was a lot of fun! Haha.
I hope everyone has some good news and oppurtunities coming into their life!
I'm pretty sure that sentence has lots of grammatical errors...hahaha
By the way, I'm watching E! News and I feel like Tim Tebow should ask me out, ok?
With all my love, Morgan

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Love Beautiful, Wonderful, Amazing Days Like Today

Why is it a good day, you may be asking?
First of all, I am a creature of habit.
I like to keep my routine going!
I'm at work on a Saturday, which is nice because I like to work Saturdays.
The store is busier and we generally have better business.
Plus, I get homework and studying caught up on when no one is here shopping!
I want to create a list of things that make me happy.
Because I like lists, that's why!!

1. Getting a call from your best friend when you normally just I.M. on Facebook.
2. Listening to all your favorite songs on your way to work.
3. Feeling pretty darn cute in your Toms, jeggings (which, yes, I do wear them as pants...get over it!), white t-shirt and beaded scarf!
4. Finally figuring out cream liner. That stuff baffled me before I bought the cheap stuff from E.L.F.
5. Getting a head start on projects! Ahhh, not feeling stressed is wonderful.
6. Researching hair and make up looks for an appointment you have coming up! AND it's a paid one!
7. Having your sister call and say she placed 1st in her preliminary Humorous Interpretation round...if you weren't a nerdy drama competitor in high school you won't understand the reference, but just know that it is exciting!
8. Seeing pictures from a recent shoot you styled and seeing they turned out pretty darn good!
9. Having a Big Gulp of Diet Dr. Pepper sitting on your computer desk.
10. Being in a super well-rested and caffeinated state!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, because it sure is beautiful in OKC today!
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

College Beauty

I think I have finally realized something about myself.
I hate dating.
You may be thinking, "Hey, Morgan, haven't you always said you hate dating?"
And I would reply, "You got that right! But here's the real reason!"

Dating takes energy.
It means if I like someone or want to get to know them, I have to get up and talk to them.
Or text or call them.
Boo!! Hiss!!
The very thought of having to use any of my energy to make someone laugh or like me sounds terrible.
Yes, I realize how embittered and negative that sounds hahaha.

But, I've been thinking and I've hardly typed up anything beauty related!
It's kind of hard because on my other blog with my friend Andrew, I have to talk about beauty stuff (He's the fashion part) so when I get on here I'm all "beautied" out!
So here are my basic college beauty tips.
I don't live in a dorm, because my college is about 20 minutes away from home and it has no dorms so I have no dorm tips, except wear flip flops in the shower so you don't get a foot fungus! Haha

You're probably going to be tired. A lot. Unless you're spoiled and only took classes in the afternoon and don't have a job. Brat. Anyway, to avoid looking ridic tired after a night of studying, or maybe just being out too late with your buds you should:
A) Wash your face very well. Especially if you didn't take off your make up the previous night. Dull skin can make you look even worse.
B) Line the inner rim of your eyes with white eyeliner. It takes out the redness.
C) If your eyes are red from lack o' sleep, use some good ol' handy dandy visine!
D) Blush on the apples of your cheeks will perk up your skin making you look more rested.
E) Obviously, you need to use a cover up on the circles under your eyes. Your cover up should be one shade lighter than your skin.

Running late? Of course you are! But this is don't have to be dressed up!
Slip on clean clothes, put on deodorant, hair in pony tail (if it's not long enough, just pin back the front with bobby pins, headband or bandana) and for goodness sakes, brush your teeth!
Don't worry about make up and take a seat closest to the back and door.
It allows for a less annoying entry to class and for a quick escape so no one sees you in your rough state! Hahaha.
If you must wear make up, then that is your prerogative. I think you should've woken up earlier though!

Is it sad that I've used all of these tips, tried and true?? Hahaha
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why Am I So Exhausted?

Because today feels like the LONGEST DAY EVER!!!
While I did officially start school yesterday, with just one Modern European history class, today was my full day of school. I had 4 classes, starting at 8 am.
Good news is, all my professors seem really cool and my favorite professor remembered me from last spring semester! She is so knowledgeable and I hope to be the same way when I'm teaching history one day!
I must be a glutton for punishment because I'm taking 18 hours this semester.
Two from one of the hardest (yet, still my favorite!) professor.
I have an online class that I still need to check.
If I could tell my high school self something, it would be this:
"Self, junior high sucked. High school sucked a little less. College is amazing. But it's a lot of work, so appreciate your lazy won't get many when school starts!"
I find myself always wishing time had passed.
"Man, I wish this class would just end!"
"I wish the summer would come already!"
"Is it 6 pm yet??"
But I think I need to take a chill pill and appreciate the time I have here on earth.
At my church, Pastor Craig Groeschel just preached a sermon on wisdom.
How we just need to ask for it and we'll get it!
How awesome is that?
I feel like I would have never come up with appreciating my time without my many prayers for wisdom. It is truly amazing how God works.
And he doesn't even get the cred for it most of the time.

I hope everyone is having an amazing day and enjoying it!
After all, we're not guaranteed our next breath.
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Realization of the Day

I have recently realized that I really don't want to date or have a boyfriend.
Then, I'd feel like I have to entertain the person I'm seeing and that does not sound fun.
I need a best friend.
So, I'll be taking applications. haha.
You must enjoy shopping, not be married or have a kid (Sorry, I just want a friend who's at the same stage of life as I am!) preferably not dating anyone seriously, male or female, will come over even when I say I don't want them to so as to force me to hang out with people every once in a while, understands that I don't text everyday, have a love for theater, movies, and appreciates make up...Hmm...I don't like or understand mean spirited people! Or when people make fun of others all the time. It just make me uncomfortable!
Also, be prone to obsessing over fictional characters.
Such as everything that has to do with The Hunger Games.
I would like my best friend to watch the Twilight movies with me, but understands my need to make fun of them, as well as love them secretly.
I'd kinda like a work out buddy, as well!
Sometimes I like to buy things for my friends, but I shouldn't be buying your lunch or 7/11 drink everytime we go somewhere!
Also, I don't really hug my best friends.
That's weird for me.
I don't really hug people period though!

And if my future spouse could have these characteristics as well, I'd love that! Lol.

So yeah, any takers for my new BFF?? Hahaha!
That's all folks!
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Bucket List

And not the really sad movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson!
I've been on Pinterest...a, I'm not totally obsessed!!!
Anyway, I've been on there and since planning my wedding just seems depressing, since I'm hardly seeing someone, I decided to do my bucket list.
You may be thinking, "Wow, that seems morbid!"
But it's totally not, and I've been having a lot of fun making it up.
And even though it's long, I thought I'd share it with you guys!

Morgan's Bucket List!!!
1.       Be a teacher
2.      Have a closet full of shoes
3.      Kiss someone famous
4.      Own a vineyard        
5.      Visit Pixar Studios
6.      Bake every single thing in a cookbook
7.      Build an Igloo
8.      Move to Chicago
9.      Find my “Peeta”
10.   Work as a Disney Princess
11.   Date a British boy     
12.   Spend an entire day watching Disney movies
13.   Build a gingerbread house
14.   Buy a pair of white shoes and doodle on them
15.   Move into an apartment with my best friend
16.   Participate in a polar bear plunge
17.   Be a good parent
18.   Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
19.   Go on a road trip to Canada
20.  Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
21.   Learn how to use chopsticks
22.  Replace my entire closet with clothes from Forever 21
23.  Go to the Carnival of Venice
24.  Visit the Sistine Chapel        
25.  Go on a cruise
26.  Meet Betsey Johnson
27.  Learn how to do cute nails
28.  Visit the Parthenon
29.  Kiss my love on the big screen at a game
30.  Spend a summer getting really tan
31.   Ride a dolphin
32.  Move to Alaska
33.  Eat a real Krabby patty
34.  Go to the Galapagos Islands
35.  Order dessert first at a restaurant
36.  Conquer my fears
37.  Go to Germany
38.  Have a pet hedgehog
39.  Visit South Africa
40.  Have my husband kiss my pregnant belly
41.   Go to Vegas with my best friends
42.  Go on a mini golf date
43.   Be married to the same person for over 50 years
44.  Go on a date with Ryan Gosling
45.  Move to Hollywood
46.  See Stonehenge        
47.  Run a 3k
48.  Visit Holland
49.  Buy a red Chanel lipstick     
50.  Meet Bon Jovi
51.   Get a matching tattoo with my sisters
52.  Let my hair get really long   
53.  Have my family at my wedding
54.  Get out of my town
55.  Visit Amsterdam
56.  Kiss under the mistletoe       
57.  Go on a midnight stroll in Paris
58.  Own a Polaroid         
59.  Have a flat stomach
60.  Have a pet cow
61.   See St. Basil’s Cathedral
62.  Visit every concentration camp site
63.  Go Diving
64.  Experience Christmas and New Years in NYC
65.  Live in Hawaii for a year
66.  Sleep on the beach
67.  Take a photography class
68.  Marry my best friend
Sorry it's so ridiculously long!
I just have so much I want to do before I get married, have kids, get too old, kick the bucket.
There is so much this world can offer and I intend on taking advantage of it all!
By the way, I totally ordered my white shoes and I can't wait to draw all over them!
Plus I got a good deal.
I ordered Bobs from Sketchers and got free shipping!
But anyway, I would love to hear other people's lists!
Wishing I was in a pair of sweats and my lumberjack pajama shirt, with all my love, Morgan