Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Realization of the Day

I have recently realized that I really don't want to date or have a boyfriend.
Then, I'd feel like I have to entertain the person I'm seeing and that does not sound fun.
I need a best friend.
So, I'll be taking applications. haha.
You must enjoy shopping, not be married or have a kid (Sorry, I just want a friend who's at the same stage of life as I am!) preferably not dating anyone seriously, male or female, will come over even when I say I don't want them to so as to force me to hang out with people every once in a while, understands that I don't text everyday, have a love for theater, movies, and appreciates make up...Hmm...I don't like or understand mean spirited people! Or when people make fun of others all the time. It just make me uncomfortable!
Also, be prone to obsessing over fictional characters.
Such as everything that has to do with The Hunger Games.
I would like my best friend to watch the Twilight movies with me, but understands my need to make fun of them, as well as love them secretly.
I'd kinda like a work out buddy, as well!
Sometimes I like to buy things for my friends, but I shouldn't be buying your lunch or 7/11 drink everytime we go somewhere!
Also, I don't really hug my best friends.
That's weird for me.
I don't really hug people period though!

And if my future spouse could have these characteristics as well, I'd love that! Lol.

So yeah, any takers for my new BFF?? Hahaha!
That's all folks!
With all my love, Morgan

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