Wednesday, January 25, 2012

College Beauty

I think I have finally realized something about myself.
I hate dating.
You may be thinking, "Hey, Morgan, haven't you always said you hate dating?"
And I would reply, "You got that right! But here's the real reason!"

Dating takes energy.
It means if I like someone or want to get to know them, I have to get up and talk to them.
Or text or call them.
Boo!! Hiss!!
The very thought of having to use any of my energy to make someone laugh or like me sounds terrible.
Yes, I realize how embittered and negative that sounds hahaha.

But, I've been thinking and I've hardly typed up anything beauty related!
It's kind of hard because on my other blog with my friend Andrew, I have to talk about beauty stuff (He's the fashion part) so when I get on here I'm all "beautied" out!
So here are my basic college beauty tips.
I don't live in a dorm, because my college is about 20 minutes away from home and it has no dorms so I have no dorm tips, except wear flip flops in the shower so you don't get a foot fungus! Haha

You're probably going to be tired. A lot. Unless you're spoiled and only took classes in the afternoon and don't have a job. Brat. Anyway, to avoid looking ridic tired after a night of studying, or maybe just being out too late with your buds you should:
A) Wash your face very well. Especially if you didn't take off your make up the previous night. Dull skin can make you look even worse.
B) Line the inner rim of your eyes with white eyeliner. It takes out the redness.
C) If your eyes are red from lack o' sleep, use some good ol' handy dandy visine!
D) Blush on the apples of your cheeks will perk up your skin making you look more rested.
E) Obviously, you need to use a cover up on the circles under your eyes. Your cover up should be one shade lighter than your skin.

Running late? Of course you are! But this is don't have to be dressed up!
Slip on clean clothes, put on deodorant, hair in pony tail (if it's not long enough, just pin back the front with bobby pins, headband or bandana) and for goodness sakes, brush your teeth!
Don't worry about make up and take a seat closest to the back and door.
It allows for a less annoying entry to class and for a quick escape so no one sees you in your rough state! Hahaha.
If you must wear make up, then that is your prerogative. I think you should've woken up earlier though!

Is it sad that I've used all of these tips, tried and true?? Hahaha
With all my love, Morgan

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