Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Love Beautiful, Wonderful, Amazing Days Like Today

Why is it a good day, you may be asking?
First of all, I am a creature of habit.
I like to keep my routine going!
I'm at work on a Saturday, which is nice because I like to work Saturdays.
The store is busier and we generally have better business.
Plus, I get homework and studying caught up on when no one is here shopping!
I want to create a list of things that make me happy.
Because I like lists, that's why!!

1. Getting a call from your best friend when you normally just I.M. on Facebook.
2. Listening to all your favorite songs on your way to work.
3. Feeling pretty darn cute in your Toms, jeggings (which, yes, I do wear them as pants...get over it!), white t-shirt and beaded scarf!
4. Finally figuring out cream liner. That stuff baffled me before I bought the cheap stuff from E.L.F.
5. Getting a head start on projects! Ahhh, not feeling stressed is wonderful.
6. Researching hair and make up looks for an appointment you have coming up! AND it's a paid one!
7. Having your sister call and say she placed 1st in her preliminary Humorous Interpretation round...if you weren't a nerdy drama competitor in high school you won't understand the reference, but just know that it is exciting!
8. Seeing pictures from a recent shoot you styled and seeing they turned out pretty darn good!
9. Having a Big Gulp of Diet Dr. Pepper sitting on your computer desk.
10. Being in a super well-rested and caffeinated state!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, because it sure is beautiful in OKC today!
With all my love, Morgan

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