Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Because I Hate Personal Hygiene...

I don't really like to wash my hair!
Hahaha, just kidding!
I actually don't like to's really really gross, I know, but it takes too long and I could be doing other things! Don't worry though...I bathe on a daily basis.
I even wear deodorant!
I do like to have clean teeth though.
In my mind, because I drink so many carbonated drinks, I need to have good oral hygiene so the carbonation doesn't just weaken all my bones! (and teeth are bones, I guess...)
Plus, I'm super paranoid about yellow teeth! I love Crest White Strips though!
I've never had a cavity...the only thing I've had done is I had a baby tooth pulled once because it wouldn't loosen and the other one was coming in. Oh, and all four wisdom teeth were cut out.
Turns out, I don't react well to anesthesia...or pain pills...hahaha

But anyway, I wanted to say, before I got on my teeth spiel, is I truly don't like to wash my hair everyday. Since I color my hair and use heat styling tools, it can lean towards the dry side anyway.
So every other day, I give my hair a good scrub!
But honestly, some days my hair doesn't look very good! Maybe it was really windy the previous day or I had my hands in my hair too much.
So I wanted to show you one of my go-to kinda greasy looking hair cover ups!
I have several...I'm quite dedicated to only washing my hair every other's a new one!
That's a lie...I used to wear my hair like this ALLL the time about a year or so ago.
I used to curl it really tight and make it BIG!
But here's my hair today:

I had leftover waviness from yesterday's VS inspired Make up stuff.

Here's how you do it.
First, I spray my roots with either dry shampoo or hairspray.
Both help soak up extra oils in your hair.
Some people say this is bad, and to them I say Boooo! I do what I want!!! Hissss!!
Then, I do my make up and come back to it so the stuff is good and dry.
Then, I brush it all out with my teasing brush...this helps distribute the product and oils, which are great for you ends.
I brush the thinner side of my hair back and kinda over and start pinning in the back...I should've taken a picture of the back.
Then, I just sprayed hair spray all over and kinda "scrunched" my left over curls.
Also, if you have difficult or frizzy hair, you can slick it over to the side with hairspray or spray gel if you want it too look really tight.
I personally love my hair like this because it's pretty unique and I've never really seen anyone else wear it.
Ok, for my last subject of the day, I want to talk about pants.
Oh, goodness, I love pants.
Jeans, slacks, dress pants, name it, I love it!
My obsession is leopard and colorful jeans!
And before you say, "Well, what the heck would I wear those with??!!"
Let me tell this: You wear them like a neutral.
I'm wearing mine today with a black cotton tank top, corral oversized cardi, black combats boots and gold accessories.
But I've worn them in so so many different ways!
My favorite color right now is rust.
Which sounds ridic, I know. But look at them...
Ah, so gorgeous!
I want them.

Well, that's all I can think of to type!
Hope everyone had a great day, even if your hair is kinda dirty! Hahah
With all my love, Morgan

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