Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Umm, hun, why don't you put on your big girl panties...

And deal with it!

Ooh, this phrase literally sends chills of rage and annoyance all the way down my spine.
Ever wondered why people don't like you?
Do you call people "hun", "Honey", "doll" or "sweetie" in a condescending way? Or anytime for anything??
If the answer is Yes, then that is why lol.
Also, if you are not old enough to be my mother, or you're not my mother lol, don't call me anything other than my name.
Come on now.

So here's my quick post since I have to go to class in 20 minutes:
If someone wants to talk about an issue that's really been bothering them, sometimes they don't need your advice.
If they want it, they'll ask. And if you're not sure, then ask!
Sometimes they just need to talk to someone sympathetic.
I guarantee that if you shove your opinions or advice down someone's throat, they won't come to you anymore and they probably won't be friends with you for much longer!
I totally struggled with this when I was young: My friends called me "Mama Hen" because I wanted to be sure they were safe and wouldn't get hurt, even though it wasn't my place to. Well, why would they come to me after being practically yelled at last time they needed a kind shoulder?
This has been on my heart lately for two reasons.
One is shallow: A girl called me a pet name when she's my age and doesn't know me.
It just always comes off as condescending...especially if I end with an ellipsis...
If you're not a weirdo like me an ellipsis is (or are?) the "dot dot dots"
It's one of those "Bless your heart" things. It only bothered me because I didn't ask for her opinion. And it totally reminded me of myself! Hahaha. Well, minus the "Hun..." thing.
Two: I have a group of friends and lately one of the people in said group has been really talkative and wanting to be more himself and it feels like when we hang out, this other person likes to keep him down! Negative Nell is what we'll call the bringer-downer. Negative Nell likes to rag on Opening-Up Dude and I'm not sure why Negative Nell does it.
It just bothers me!
I think that Negative Nell is just that: Negative.
I've been really praying about saying something, but I'm just not sure!
And I know this is annoying that I'm so vague on names and situations, but I'm not sure who all reads this and I wouldn't wanna hurt anyone's feelings!

So remember, don't call me Hon!
My mama and daddy named me Morgan and that's what I liked to be called! Lol
I'm just kidding, that's not the moral...Ok, I'm kinda serious...hahaha!
In all seriousness, if you want to be a good friend and keep your friend, just be there for him or her and dole out advice kindly and when you're sure they want it!

Wearing my big girl panties, lol, With all my love to the Hons out there, Morgan

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