Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oh. Em. Gee.

That title really has nothing to do with this post, I just think it's funny!
You can't sub middle school and NOT pick up some funny sayings, like Oh em gee!

So remember on my last post I was talking about Chazown and how it was about finding a purpose for your life and I would probably have a dramatic post about it? 'Member? You 'member. Hahahah! Well, first of all, here's the link to the website if you wanna check it out!
It's all this really intense self study and looking to God to find out what you're here for.
It's crazy intense, y'all.
Well, here's how the evening went: I almost didn't want to go because I feel like I can't hide anything from this group, and I didn't want to talk about what has been bothering me, and that's Matt being in Italy and not being with me. But I went anyway because I tend to be anti-social and I need to go.
So we're all taking this spiritual gift assessment, which I've never felt was a good indicator for me. I've taken it three times now and I feel like it's just about right this time! It says my biggest spiritual gift is craftsmanship! I kinda thought it was lame (I mean, exhortation? Faith? Those sound waaayyy cooler, I don't care who you are! Lol) but when I read the description, it really fit me to a T. It said this person likes to create things and be creative. They should exercise this by participating in Drama or art or music...well, I was in some type of performing arts from 11 to 18 and I'm a make up artist...when I was young, I filled up journals with my drawings...I've not drawn in a while...and I play the piano...I quit taking lessons when I was 16 because drama took up my practice time! 
Crazy, huh?? Plus, it said discernment, which surprised me. But my dad is CRAZY good at discerning things and situations and I'm like his personality twin practically. The only one I disagreed with was Service. I don't think I serve enough or do things for other people...I think I got this because I love to have people feel better about themselves after I do their make up/hair. Although, it makes sense because I will be doing a service for a living one day and I work in customer service. The last two I tied on and I completely agreed with: Writing and giving. I Have always LOVED to give gifts. I've often considered bringing other people gifts to my own birthday party! Haha. And writing was a good one because I've journaled since I could write (I have a whole box full of my old journals) and I love this blog!
Anyway, I was more disappointed with my craftsmanship one because I was hoping it would be a result that would make my life plan so obvious. As I sat there, frustrated and wanting to cry, I had this amazingly light and bubbly feeling start in my gut and work its way up. I had this feeling...there weren't words really! I knew that I was supposed to do make up and I knew I was to help young women, more like teens, love themselves! I hated myself when I was young and I didn't want any other girls to feel like that.
I had this great idea, it was so good, it had to be from God! Haha. I want to do seminars for girls and teens and probably young women, where I would teach them about make up application and creating their own looks and just helping them feel pretty and good about themselves! The main point would be about loving yourself from the inside can be the most beautiful girl in the world, but if you don't love yourself then what's the point??
I feel like this is such an exciting prospect...I couldn't even type it fast enough!
I'm so pumped for this I have butterflies of nervous possibility in my stomach!

I would totally suggest this Chazown experience to anyone. It's truly intense and hard and kind of scary, but it's wonderful and surprising at the same time!
With all my love, Morgan


Morgan Black said...
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Alison Limke said...

I love this idea!! You would be awesome at it!! Go get it girl!! lol

Morgan Black said...

Thank you Ali!!
I'm really excited at the prospects of it all!!