Saturday, November 26, 2011

Long Shopping Weekend= Not much time for a blog!!

So, I've been really bad about updating this and I wanted to apologize!
I just happen to work in retail and we work when everyone else is off.
Working Black Friday was fun though and I'm about 2 hours away from being finished up with Small Business Saturday! I hope everyone bought locally...gotta keep those tax dollars in our cities! Haha.
Just to warn everyone: Finals week is approaching QUICKLY!! I will be very busy and overwhelmed and probably to my three readers, I'm sorry! Hahahaha
I'm so ready for a break...I'm feeling so burnt out!
Ok, so this post is a little unplanned, but it's mostly to announce a project I will be starting.
I'm thinking I want to do like, "Two Weeks of Make-Up, Hair and Fashion!"
Where I will show my make up and outfit for the day and discuss my favorite fashionistas or looks. Sound fun??
Well today is the kick off! We will do a round of favorites and starting tomorrow, Sunday, November 27, 2011, I will begin the 14 days of Glam!...or not so glam!! Hahah. I will stressing out trying to look my best all the time!

Today shall be SASSY SATURDAY!!!

These shoes...I can't...I'm so...OBSESSED AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!!!
They're on and they don't have my size...Yes, I'm crying on the inside!!!!

Pink: She is the epitome of sass.
I mean, really?? Hahaha

This vintage wedding dresses I found on
I only want to get married right this second so I could wear that dress!!!

The Mini Harajuku Lovers collection at Target!!
I only want children so they can wear this. Hahaha!
I wish there was a "big people line" from Harajuku for Target!

Well, that's enough for Sassy Saturday.
I'll be planning my next 14 days all night! Haha!
With Harajuku girls, pink hair and all my love, Morgan

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