Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Conversations with my Dad

What Are Your Goals?

Last night, I was sitting in the living room with my younger sister Madison and my Dad. 
Now, my Dad has always been one of the smartest people I know.
I mean, I'm pretty sure he is actually James Bond. 
His name is James Black...and I have no idea what he actually does for a living...
But anyway, Madison and I had been talking a lot about feeling restless in our lives.
I know she has her reasons that I won't share because it's not my place to say, but I have been feeling a restless in my heart and couldn't put my finger on it.
Then last night, I read a quote that read something like:

“It has been said that we need just three things in life: Something to do, Something to look forward to and someone to love.”

It hit me! I have been missing something to look forward to!
When I was in college, I was excited for Makeup School. 
Then I was excited for my license.
Now I have my Cosmetician license and I feel at a stand still.

When I told my Dad this, he asked if I had written down my goals and I said I hadn't. 
So he told me I need to think of the biggest goals I could and that everything I have aspired to and worked towards I have achieved. The only thing that holds me back is my own small goals. 

Well, this just about blew my mind!! 
So last night I wrote them down.
Some of them seem way too crazy, but it's like my dad said, 
"You need to aim big because even if you don't hit the target, you'll still do something great." 
Or it's like that kind of cheesy saying in all the classrooms I've ever been in.
"Aim for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

(I wish I had recorded my Dad because he is much more eloquent than I represented him!)

Here are some of my goals:
1. Work for a major modeling agency
2. Have my hair and makeup on a major magazine cover
3. Own a hair and makeup studio
4. Travel to every state
5. Run a 5K
6. Pay off my student loans
7. Do makeup for New York Fashion Week
8. Be a speaker at the IMAT's.
9. Own a home out right
10. Pay cash for a car
11. Be financially able to just work as a hair/MUA within the year 
12. Participate in a pageant.

Some of these are scary for me to share, but I think it is a good thing to put them out there, for accountability's sake!
I'd love to know some of your goals, too!

All my love, Morgan


Holly said...

I love this post. My husband and I heard this quote a couple of weeks ago on one of our guilty pleasure Bravo TV shows. It really resonated with both of us. I, too, find myself struggling with the "something to look forward to" angle. I am so inspired by your reach-for-the-moon thinking. Some of your goals are not that far away. Girl, if I can run a 5K (and I have run several), then you can. No doubt. And you will probably do it way faster than I did. :0 The goals that feel a little harder to reach? I feel very strongly that you have a great shot. Know why? Because you have great aim. I've seen in the entire time that I have known you. Now that you have something to look forward to, start making it happen. I can't wait to see where God takes you!!!

Morgan Black said...

Thank you, Holly! This really made my day. I almost ran a mile yesterday... I was huffing and puffing but I am getting better at it! Haha.