Friday, November 11, 2011

Sweetarts and Diet Dr. Pepper...

...are best when eaten together!
Eat a sweettart, take a sip of Diet DP and you're good to go!
I can feel the sugar high right now! Haha.
So, to continue with my weirdest week ever, (this is going to take a while to type because I keep taking sweettart breaks! Haha) I'm not sure what to even talk about!
Well, yesterday was a pretty good day...I got my hair cut...and tonight should be good...I have life group!
You might say my life is boring, and I would say, "You got that right, Bub!"
Haha, I like it that way. I think I hate dating because it breaks my schedule and makes me nervous!
Did I ever mention that green sweettarts are my least favorite??
So, to stay on topic, I am getting ready to start a Chazown experience with my church...I'll post more info about that later...I'm sure I'll have a highly dramatic post about what I'm supposed to do with my life afterwards! Hahaha.

But since I'm not sure what to type about, I'll just talk about my favorite things again!

Ok, my favorite food is....mashed taters!!
Oh man...I really want some mashed potatoes now!!

My favorite cupcakes...

Oh my gosh, this girl can bake like nobody's business! Her cupcakes (this one is my fave, red velvet with cream cheese icing) are COMPLETELY homemade!
Talk about the best darn things EVER!

My favorite piece of clothing I own...I don't have a picture of me in them but here's the basic idea...
Jeggings!!!! I wish my stomach looked as tight as those though! Lol

Since this is a make up blog (or it's supposed to be anyway hahaha)...
My favorite gold eyeshadows....

The first is Urban Decay "Chase" and the second is the Covergirl gold!
Both are such great golds...Urban Decay's is a bit more antique gold, but still beautiful!!

My favorite moment today was a little girl in the class I subbed for...she was so sweet and cute...I won't lie, when I was younger I didn't really know how to act around or help special needs children. This young lady had down syndrome, but she was just so loving and nice!
Her parents are ridiculously lucky to have her as a daughter!

My second favorite moment with a very close second...

My cousin got engaged today!!!!!!!!

This has been a very weird, yet mostly good, week...but I'm glad it's just about over! Hahaha
Hoping everyone has a great and safe weekend...
With sweettarts just about gone, and a Diet Dr. Pepper in hand, With all my love, Morgan

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