Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dating?? Boo! Hiss!

Some people tell you beautiful stories of marrying their high school sweethearts.
Or like my parents, who met in Italy when they were 14. (Air Force brats)
Of course they were seperated when my mom's dad had his first heart attack, but they met back up in their 20's. Bam, 4 kids later and 21 years of marriage, here we are.
I feel stupid sometimes for letting myself fall in love so young.
Yes, it's wonderful. And he is such a great guy. But we were 16.
We were too young to do anything about it.
He graduated a year ahead of me and joined the Air Force (Air Force is a common theme in my life lol)
And I stayed in our hometown and went to high school.
And boy, did I miss him.
I would just hurt sometimes.
Ha, I've cried about him more than anything else!
We ended our almost 3 year relationship after being long distance for the last year of that.
Some people might not think that's very long, but when you're young, 3 years is a good chunk of your life!
And the thing is, I keep letting myself love him!
I mean, how dumb can you get?
I can't be with him. He's going to Italy for 3 years!
And I can't just leave!
My rational side won't let me.
I don't want to be a young Air Force wife! So many girls I know (I say girls because they basically still are, we're so young!) are married and have kids already! And I hope they are happy! I don't know how I'd feel.
I make it sound like he's begging to marry me...that's inaccurate. We've not talked about that in a long time.
I've almost posted this same post 3 times now.
It makes me feel scared to know people will read this and judge this.
Maybe people will think I'm stupid, or like I'm too self-pitying or whining.
Hey, I'm maybe a little self-pitying at the moment! I won't lie.
I try to be very honest on this blog.
Really, this was typed to maybe help other military girlfriends feel better!
It is so annoying when the wives and families act like you couldn't possibly know what they go through when their military member is gone...I think we have a pretty good idea. Just because you're not married, doesn't mean you don't miss them.
I'm definitely not whining.
I've done this to myself!
And this is realllly long lol.
I feel like I've just been to a therapist and that said therapist lifted a brick off my chest!
A beauty blog is tough to type...I love suggestions on what to write about!

With salutes to our military and the need for a big fuzzy blanket (my store is FREEZING!),
with all my love, Morgan

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