Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weirdest. Week. EVER.

So this has quite possibly been the weirdest week in my entire existence.
I have literally experienced just about every emotion you can think of.
Including the very surprising contentment!
If you don't know, Matt, my best friend/ex boyfriend left for Italy yesterday.
I think he's there now, haha.
His phone won't work there and his laptop didn't get fixed in time for him to take it with him to Italy.
He's supposed to message or Skype me ASAP!
And you had better do it, Matt!! haha.
Yesterday, I felt numb.
I couldn't put my finger on the emotion.
Then after Zumba, (those endorphines really do work! Haha) I felt much better.
And this morning I woke up and Gasp! Fixed my hair. Holy cow.
Speaking of Holy Cow, I wonder if we got that saying from Hindus...I think they believe cows are sacred!
I think that's a pretty legitimate question, if I say so myself!
Well anyway, it feels good not to be sad.
I let myself be sad for a couple days...I did some online shopping...not sure it worked...and I feel like everything is going to be ok!

Anyway, I actually want to talk about some beauty stuff today!
I wanted to talk about transitioning pieces into fall and winter and creating a Fashion Personality.
Ok, so a lot of people think that dresses and shorts are out the window once September hits...well you my friend, are Wrong!
You can easily pair your favorite pair of shorts with some tights and voila, you have a look perfect for the days where it's cold in the morning on your way to the 8 am class and warm when you finally get to leave work! There are so many cute options, too. There are solids, patterns, ones that have a really pretty lacy look...whatever you can think of! I totally just got some Mickey Mouse ones from Forever 21! Also, Charlotte Russe always has cute ones usually on special like 2 for $10 or something like that.

When creating a "fashion personality," my biggest advice is to have signature pieces. For instance, if my sister wears tights to school, people will ask her, "Cute tights! Are those Morgan's?", much to my sister's sadness haha. I have an affinity for costume jewelry and funky shoes...I think I am associated with them now. Also Bandanas. I wear them a lot!
Now my sister Madde wears scarves, all the time! She has so many cute ones. So her things is sandals or Toms with a plain tee and cute scarf!
My other sister dresses very eclectic...she's a dancer, but I'd say her hair is her identifying thing! She has blonde hair down to her waist that is always braided all funky or pulled into a cute bun...I think of her with a side french braid!
You see how this works??
You find something that works for you and rock it all the time!
Maybe you're like my friend Randy who always has super hot high heels!
Or maybe you have the cutest hair flowers or the coolest cardigans!
Hope this helped you think of your next new look!
with all my love, Morgan

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