Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wisdom: Teenager Style

My sisters and brothers are the funniest and sometimes, the wisest people I have ever known.
They are truly some of the best people around!
But I've also gotten some great advice from the kids I sub for!
When I think back to the whole reason I started this blog, sometimes I laugh because it has truly become something else entirely!
If one person reads this and gets some encouragment or it brightens their day, then I have done my job!
So here are some funny, witty or wise tidbits I have heard from the best teens in my life!

Kids don't think your dreams are dumb!
I was subbing a 7th grade math class and a girl asked me what I was going to be "when I grow up."
First of all, I thought that was darling! Haha.
I told her, "Well, it's probably kind of stupid, but I want to be a make up artist..."
(I'm always a little embarassed to tell people this)
And she said, "That's not stupid!! That's awesome!"
And she was totally genuine. That just about made me wanna cry!!
Even though I was teaching her algebra, she taught me not to be ashamed of what my dreams are!

When my brother was about 10 or so, my sister Maddie and I knew that he was very cute and girls would be all over that...well, we didn't want him to be a snob or promiscuous or anything...and he will definitely have that opportunity! Plus, we always want him to date nice girls when the time comes. So Maddie came up with the best analogy:

"Trey, girls are like cars. Would you rather have a new car or an old car?"
Trey replies,"Well a new car!"
"Well, buddy, you have to look at girls this way, too. Not by their looks, but by how many miles they have. A car with 200,000 miles is probably not a good investment...she's had too many owners most likely! But a girl with like, low miles is a much better investment."
So Trey says, "Oh! Ok, so is Lindsay Lohan a used car?"
Maddie and me at the same time: YES! Lol

I love this. And even though he's only 12, this has stuck with him!
He has a little "girlfriend" who is very sweet and best part is they don't talk...they play basketball! Haha!

I was subbing for a choir class the other day and these 6th graders were freakin' hilarious!!
I wasn't going to join in on their choir games (There was a special needs child in the class, too, and she was wanting me to hang out with her) but I ended up joining in because they were just so goofy!
They taught me to cut loose sometimes and just join in with the fun.
Plus, my Shark attack song skills were seriously rough.

Some people think I'm really weird for only subbing middle school...not a lot of people LIKE middle school aged kids! But I think they're weird because those kids are awesome!

Baby shark do do do do do do baby shark, with all my love, Morgan

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