Monday, November 7, 2011


I'm sure that was all 3 of my readers' reaction to my last post! Haha.
I can't guarantee that I'll never go all "depressed-sadness post" on you again, but I'll try to be more optimistic!

I hate being sad. It's almost worse than heartache because I don't know when the sad feeling will go away!
I know a little about both feelings and they tend to go hand in hand.

When Matt went to basic training, I was really sad and I tend to dwell in it when I'm bummed out.
So the best possible thing happened to me: I was cast in a comedy! And I personally though that my character was the funniest in the show! She was bubbly and a little dumb and an obnoxious laugher and gum chewer! Her name was literally Bubbles!! I can't find photos on this computer though...they're probably on my laptop!

The point is, I had so much fun! I allowed myself to be distracted and enjoy myself. The play rehearsed about or 6 or 7 weeks and wrapped the week before Matt's BMT graduation! I worked very hard on my little part and when I was still in San Antonio, I got a call from my sister saying I had won Best Supporting Actress at our Drama Banquet! I was so so so excited!!

To wrap up my (slightly braggy...sorry about that!!) story, here is the lesson: When you are sad or upset about something, sometime you have to MAKE yourself get past it. Of course there are much more serious conditions out there like Depression that make that pretty much imposssible, and I don't want people to think I'm talking about that. When you are experiencing plain ol' sadness, the best cure is to let yourself be happy.
Ok, I'll make a list!

One: Allow yourself to be happy.

Two: If you can't do that, sometimes you have to fake it til you make it! Have you ever had to go somewhere you didn't want to go, but you had to fake having a good time so as not to ruin it for everyone else? And you found yourself having a good time?? It is the same principle. When you make yourself laugh and smile and have fun, you start to really enjoy yourself! I had to do this and it worked for me!

Three: Give yourself time to be sad about something. Those first couple weeks were really tough for me. We're talking stuff like, crying every day, clinging to the cell phone waiting for the once a week call, etc. (One time I missed a call....oh man, I was so ticked at myself for that!)
When you go through a break up, it's ok to be sad about it! If you feel pressured to be happy about a break up, or death, or whatever, then maybe it's time to consider new friends. Be sad. Watch The Notebook. Gain a few pounds from all the chocolate and ice cream. Take a day off. Then, pick yourself up and get after it.

Four: The best way to forget about a hardship after you've taken time to deal with it, is to distract yourself. My best advice for other military girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives, etc., is to stay busy. Those months will go faster than you think. Haha, sometimes when they come back, it's a tough've settled into a routine and they mess it up a bit!!

Five: I could've turned that role down. I was tired, but honestly, being able to dive into a couple projects (Like the role, my senior memory book, school) was almost a relief! I liked feeling productive and being able to laugh was very nice! Haha.

Now, I'm no expert, but I do know (from Anti-depressant commercials...haha) that if you are feeling persistently sad and can't seem to enjoy anything, you are supposed to seek a doctor. Sometimes, we can "heal" ourselves, but sometimes we need something more!!

I'm feeling much more positive today, and I hope some of that has rubbed off on you!
Hoping you have a great day, with all my love, Morgan

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