Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How To Ignore The Critics and Negative Nellies

Hey, rude, negative, critical, bringer-downers...they are EVERYWHERE.
Shoot, you probably have family members who are!
I know I do!
A couple in my family likes to almost make fun of my wanting to do make up.
They don't get it.
My parents are actually really supportive, as well as my siblings!
But this couple who is supposed to love me and encourage me always treat my dream like it's stupid.
Plus, I think they're embarassed that I'm pursuing it...they still tell people I'm going to school to be a teacher!! Hahaha!
A conversation usually goes like this:

Them: So, Morgan, what are you going to do after junior college?
Me, In my head: We've had this convo...and you know the answer.
Me, Out Loud: Well, I'm going to esthetician school and then I'm going to pursue make up artistry!
Them: Well, what do you do with that?
Me: Um...well, I could do weddings, TV, movies, proms,...
Them: Well, what would you DO?

Ok. You get the point.
They are haters! Hahaha. And they don't support me.
But to quote Pretty in Pink (aka, the GREATEST 80's Brat Pack movie ever):
"I can't believe in someone who doesn't believe in me."
And it's true!

So my post for today was spurred by three occurences.
Basically, my pastor preached a sermon about critical people and how they basically like to tear others down who are doing great things because they themselves have never reached for anything great. He said something to the effect of,
"If you stick to safe, ordinary things, no one will stop you. When you start reaching for great things, people will try to tear you down."
And I just couldn't agree more with that statement! How many times have I ragged on Taylor Swift? And she has done some pretty big things. I was (and still am! Hahah) jealous because I've not done anything great.
Then, my best friend was really encouraging to me about esthetician school. Well, he's always encouraging to me for that matter! And I though, Wow, some people might not have someone to encourage them.
Lastly, while I was on Facebook, a friend of mine posted this:
"Making some serious changes. I'm going to follow my dreams I've had since I was a little girl and not listen to everyone else's doubt."

Amen sister!! I so identified with that post! I had to comment and encourage her to pursue whatever she wants because we both want great things and hopefully we both get them!

Something I am working on with myself is just ignoring the doubters, the negative nellies, the whatever! You have to, or you'll be brought down to their level!

Remember, sometimes the people who bring you down the most are the people who love you the most. And you'll have to block them out, too.  

Anyway, to all of you being brought down by criticism and negativity, reframe it.
I find that if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I will come up against road blocks.
When I'm not doing much of anything, I'm not going to face anything, because I'm not moving on with my life.

I hope that you continue to pursue your dreams and do what you love, no matter if you're young or old, or ugly or pretty or whatever!!
With all my love and support, Morgan

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