Friday, December 2, 2011


Did I ever mention I hate being called a "blogger?"
Not to be vulgar, but it sounds like a nickname for a bowel movement. Hahaha.
Anywho, I am the worst blog-keeper-upper because I didn't update yesterday but I did do the make up!
Here it is:
"Dia de Los Muertos"

I think the Day of the Dead is very interesting!
I don't know much about it, but I love the scary/pretty make up it uses.
Here's another reason I'm terrible at blogging:
I didn't do any make up for today...I barely wore make up at all!!
I know! I'm so bad...
And tomorrow will have to be a plain make up because I am working all day!
I'm super bummed though..I got asked, last minute, to go to this Policeman's Ball.
I REALLY wanted to go (Duh, a chance to look pretty lol)
But it was too late to ask for time off. Sad day.
So tomorrow, I think I'll do some good office appropriate make up and hair.
Maybe some tips on how to look good and professional!

So, that's all, folks!
By the way, I'm finally watching Braveheart <3 <----My attempt to make a heart! Haha
"The Good Lord says he's pretty sure he can get me out of this one, but he says you're screwed!"
He says a word I don't use there lol.
Hope everyone had a great day!
With all my love, Morgan

By the way...
I want this. Lol.

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