Saturday, December 31, 2011

As We Bid 2011 Adieu...

I really wanted to share some of my highlights from the past year with you guys.
This has been a very hard and very good year for me.
I'm excited for a new one though!
There is something so nice about leaving behind the old and ushering in the new.

-The ups and downs of 2011-

1. I quit working at Walgreens. Huzzah!!!
2. I got a job at my current store! Double Huzzah!
3. I alternated between loving and hating school. I am looking forward to next semester though! Hurray for lots o' history classes!
4. I had a very sad break up, but everything is much better now! Plus, we've been able to maintain the friendship that was probably the most important part of the relationship anyway!
5. I booked my first wedding as a make up artist! And I have a couple more coming up in Spring 2012!
6. I felt very unlike myself for a lot of 2011, but I feel much better now. My creativity was one of my favorite things about myself and I feel like I've regained a lot of it!
7. I faced my fears and took Zumba. Which you should have heard of, unless you've been living under a rock. I was very scared to dance in front of people, but it was a lot of fun! Even though I was still pretty bad! Hahaha
8. I finally learned how to study. I know, you think that's stupid, but hear me out. I never had to study in high school, I just got good grades. But this semester I took Biology and French and 2 online classes. I HAD to study. And it worked out just fine! I had A's and B's and one "C" in humanities. Which is annoying, but I earned it! Haha.
9. I got to do the make up for my sister's One Act production of "Dead Man Walking." And they took first at the One Act Competition!! I was so proud! And her state ring is gonna be sick!
10. And lastly, I really started to work on my relationships with people and most importantly God! It's still hard. Sometimes I want to avoid people because it's simply easier, but I know I can't!

1. I'd like to blog more...but I do have two classes from this tough professor, so we'll see! Haha
2. I want to make some good friends! I think I could use those every once in a while! Haha
3. Maybe try to eat a little better! I'm not saying cut out junk food, but maybe eat veggies every once in a blue moon! Hahahaha
4. I need to keep up exercising! Heart disease runs in the fam, after all!
5. I really want to be a better daughter, sister and friend.
6. I am determined to have more fun this year! My college years are slipping by quickly and I need to take advantage! Haha
7. I need to get over the "I hate dating" thing.
8. I get to go to ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pumped!!!
9. While I think I'm pretty generous with money, I'm not when it comes to my time! That's something that should change.
10. Continue working on my relationship with God!

Well, 3 readers, it's been real, it's been fun and I'm glad this year is just about done!
Stay safe out there tonight, no drunk driving, no drugs, etc.
See you next year!
With all my love, Morgan

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