Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm So Sick Of Snobs

Listen up y'all, because I have a rant for you.
Let me get this clear: If there is anything I hate on this planet, it is a SNOB.
You are no better than anyone on this entire planet.
Remember that little Civil Rights Movement we had in the 50's and 60's??
Yeah, that sort of ensured that no one was better than anyone.
I'm so sick of seeing the people being put down for some miniscule thing that shouldn't matter.
So you think that you're better than a "fat" person just because you're a size 0??
Yeah, think again. You're just a skinny girl blessed with skinny people metabolism.
You think you're better than the "dumb" kid in your math class?
Wrong. You just happen to be good at school subjects...maybe that "dumb" kid can fix a car and you can't even pump your own gas.
And people who "don't like ugly people??"
What the heck is that about?
What's funny is, the moment someone tells me that, I think THEY'RE ugly.
And who are YOU to decide whether or not someone's clothes are stupid?
The irony? People who are truly stylish rarely care enough to pick apart others' clothes!
I'm comfortable in the clothes I select and I just don't feel the need to pick apart others' wardrobes.
I was raised on Thrift store clothes. I didn't always have cute clothes.
Some people will never be able to afford nice clothes so just leave them alone.
I'm so sick and tired of people thinking they're better than others.
And honestly, I'm not putting up with it again.
From now on, when I see or hear something like that, I will not be silent about it.
I was put down when I was young for not having the right clothes, for not having the right friends, for whatever! And if I can help it, I won't allow it around me anymore.
I'm done being friends with negative people and letting them bring me down.
Here's the deal: If you are so self-conscious in yourself that you have to constantly bring someone else down to feel good about yourself, then you need to get some help.
I'm not being sarcastic or mean, you really need to seek a counselour.
There are some issues there that YOU need to get worked out.
I am honestly so angry that I can't write about the dresses today, I'm sorry guys.
And I'll eventually get to the make up looks, it's just really busy.
I'll do them when I get out of school for the semester!
With all my love, Morgan

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