Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Love Watching House at Home!

House, M.D. is the bomb.
My mom and I watched like 3 episodes today hahaha.
She never sits around...it was pretty fun!
Of course, now she's cleaning hard core to make up for her "laziness."
I saw a post on the maurice's Facebook site that made me sad and kinda made me laugh.
Look, I won't ever shove my beliefs on you guys.
I've been around people who force others to believe in God and all it does is push them farther away.
But I have to say this: The maurice's team was responding to a woman who was mad about them saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Well, I understand why they said it.
You can't please anyone and you want lots of people to come spend money at your store.
So when you work retail, you are often told to say Happy Holidays.
But some of the people who posted it were saying things like,
"Well, I don't believe in Jesus and I don't like having someone's religion shoved down my throat!"
This may offend people, but it has to be said:
We wouldn't have this holiday if it weren't for Christmas, and Christ in particular.
I know that Kwanzaa and Hannukah are celebrated this time of year, but from what I understood, Kwanzaa is a relatively new holiday. And I can't think of a national holiday that isn't government or Christian based.
My point is, if you don't like people saying Merry Christmas, you'll just have to ignore it.
I know I say Merry Christmas because this holiday is celebrating the Christ and how his love has changed our world. And even if you don't believe, you have to admit, the name Jesus stirs up more emotions than any other name.
I know this probably isn't the popular thing to post, but I just felt led to say it.

Now for something a little lighter! Haha.
To continue my favorite make up stuff, I'll tell you about my favorite eye make up basics.
1. CURL YOUR EYELASHES!!!!!!!!!! I promise it's not that scary! If I can curl other people's eyelashes, then you can curl your own! I even got a small one from MAC that some of you may like...
Ok, this is a little one ^^. Here's a normal one:
This is truly not a scary thing! You don't need a crazy expensive one from MAC either...I think it's Revlon that makes are really good one, too.

2. MASCARA IS AMAZING!!!! I love mascara, so so much!
For "expensive make up buyers" I ABSOLUTELY LOOOVVEEE Lancome.

Lancome is ridiculously good...the brushes are amazing...I've been known to dip them into other mascaras when I run out of the Lancome mascara, that's how good the brush is. It's said that Kim Kardashian's make up artist used the new Doll Lashes Lancome formula for her wedding day...and no matter how short it lasted, she did look quite beautiful!
For your drug store finds, (which are usually better in my mind except when it comes to Lancome)
Loreal Voluminous Lashes Mascara is really good. I like it a lot...in fact, it is only a VERY close second to Lancome!
Of course, Covergirl makes some really good mascaras.
Well, that's all for today, y'all! Have a great day!
With all my love, Morgan

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