Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Been Too Long!!

I feel like I've not seen my best friend in months, or I've not had ice cream in years!
I've missed typing this stuff up!
Honestly guys, I needed a break.
I am feeling much better now and I can't wait to share a couple things!
So first of all, one of my Facebook friends, Ashley, shared this wonderful little advice article and I thought I'd share it with you guys!
I'm not going to post the whole thing since it would make this post like, a million miles long and I wanted to discuss some beauty related things.
About a thousand years ago, or was it finals week?... I promised you guys my favorite party looks! And here they are!

This is more of a tunic type clothing piece...Forever 21 tried to say it's a dress but puh-lease...that thing would show undies with the slightest arm raise!
I really like the pattern, plus I like gold a lot! I think it looks warmer and it's not exactly expected! I would probably pair this with some killer (but thick! haha) leggings and maybe heels or my combat boots.

So maybe you're thinking, "But Morgan, I don't really like sparkly dresses! How can I go out on New Year's Eve and still stay true to my style??!
And to that I say, "Then I have a cute dress idea for you!!"
This is another from Forever 21.
I love, love, love this green color!
So beautiful. This looks short to me, but remember, these are just ideas!
Sometimes the women's section has longer selections. And yes, they are still cute! Haha.

You could also shop at a store called DownEast Basics.
They only have a physical store in Utah, I believe, and it was created to be fun fashionable AND modest!
I found a few things I love, plus they are so great because you could wear them for other things!
Hello! This jumpsuit could be so hot with some amazing accessories and shoes! You could do some sick sparkly pumps and with some dramatic make up, you'd be ready to hit the town.
This little black dress may look plain, but I assure you it wouldn't be on an actual person. The rouching (Spell check that word haha) would define your curves (or make them for us boy shaped people) and smooth out any imperfections. Also, the sleeves are thick enough so you can wear a real bra and get plenty of support through the whole evening. Plus, the dress is plenty long so you won't feel exposed when dancing or doing whatever you do when you watch the ball drop! Just add some fun baubles and shoes and you're good to go, you classy woman, you!

I love the idea of separates as well. And no, don't wear these together! Haha.
First the top: You could wear so much with this. High-waisted and flared jeans, thick jeggings, black dressy pants (or pin-stripe!), skinnies, whatever!
And that skirt: Oh man, to DIE for. Elle Woods would be proud.
And don't worry: Many boutiques sell DownEast Basics as wholesale (I know mine does) and you can also buy online.
Don't want to order online or find a Forever 21?
May I introduce Target...your new BFF.
This little dress is available at Target and is so sassy and cute. I love the idea of hose or stockings with a print on them for this dress!

Well that's all folks!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
With all my love, Morgan

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