Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Project!!

Hey everyone!
I'm really excited because my friend Andrew approached me about writing a fashion and beauty blog with him!
Don't worry my beloved 3 readers (I really do appreciate you guys reading!!) I will continue to write this blog as well!
In this new one, on Tumblr, which I think I might like better than blogspot, Andrew will be focusing on fashion. He's got great style! And I will be focusing on the trends in the beauty world!
Plus, I think I'm going to start doing beauty tutorials! Huzzah! Haha.
If you wanna check it out, here's the link...I'll let you guys know when we post...It's going to be a twice a week kind of thing, with me posting on Monday or Tuesday and Drew posting on Friday or Saturday!
Don't you love the background on it??
I'm excited about this because A) I love to write and B) It will be very challenging to come up with even more topics to write about!

So my new topic of the day is about not-getting-bummed-out-around-the-holidays.
I've been a bit guilty of this! It's my first Christmas with my best friend being away!
Plus, last year he got snowed in at my house on Christmas Eve and had to stay with us!
We had a terrible snow storm on Christmas Eve last mom's birthday is on Christmas and we almost couldn't go to my grandparents' house to celebrate on the 24th like we always do.
Needless to say, we were a bit spoiled last year! haha.
So I've been trying to stay really positive because I know this time of year is WAAAYY harder for Matt than it is for me....After all, I have my family with me.
These tips can be used for anyone. Maybe you're single, or a recent death in the family, etc.
  1. Always always always stay busy. I think I've given this tip before, but it is so true. I have lots of friends with military significant others and this is my biggest advice to them. Find new hobbies, hang out with friends and have fun! You have to let yourself enjoy things.
  2. Find fun things to do around your city! I live in a suburb of OKC...there's ice skating in Bricktown, I can't remember where, but some place in the city sets up a big snow hill and you can go sledding! Go see the lights and get hot chocolate with your best friend!
  3. Keep exercising. I know, it's cold, who wants to head to the gym?? Well, some colleges and gyms offer non-credit classes like Zumba and's only twice a week at my school! Get your endorphins flowing and get in shape too! I tell you what, I never had a butt until I took Zumba! And it doesn't even seem like exercise. Plus, the community college I attend has an "interim" Zumba's only $35 and it's 12 classes three times a week! I'm thinking about taking it.
  4. You're allowed to eat!! My goodness, it's ok to have pie and sugar cookies and ham! Just be sure to hit your Zumba class hahaha
  5. Now is the time of year to buy that amazing sparkly dress and wear fun make up!!

I love all of those!
I have no idea where you find them though haha.
Ooh, maybe tomorrow can be a "Find Your Perfect Holidays Dress!"
Yes, that's it, that's what I'm doing hahah.
Check back in soon for the cutest dresses I can find!
With all my love, Morgan

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