Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Bucket List

And not the really sad movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson!
I've been on Pinterest...a, I'm not totally obsessed!!!
Anyway, I've been on there and since planning my wedding just seems depressing, since I'm hardly seeing someone, I decided to do my bucket list.
You may be thinking, "Wow, that seems morbid!"
But it's totally not, and I've been having a lot of fun making it up.
And even though it's long, I thought I'd share it with you guys!

Morgan's Bucket List!!!
1.       Be a teacher
2.      Have a closet full of shoes
3.      Kiss someone famous
4.      Own a vineyard        
5.      Visit Pixar Studios
6.      Bake every single thing in a cookbook
7.      Build an Igloo
8.      Move to Chicago
9.      Find my “Peeta”
10.   Work as a Disney Princess
11.   Date a British boy     
12.   Spend an entire day watching Disney movies
13.   Build a gingerbread house
14.   Buy a pair of white shoes and doodle on them
15.   Move into an apartment with my best friend
16.   Participate in a polar bear plunge
17.   Be a good parent
18.   Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
19.   Go on a road trip to Canada
20.  Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
21.   Learn how to use chopsticks
22.  Replace my entire closet with clothes from Forever 21
23.  Go to the Carnival of Venice
24.  Visit the Sistine Chapel        
25.  Go on a cruise
26.  Meet Betsey Johnson
27.  Learn how to do cute nails
28.  Visit the Parthenon
29.  Kiss my love on the big screen at a game
30.  Spend a summer getting really tan
31.   Ride a dolphin
32.  Move to Alaska
33.  Eat a real Krabby patty
34.  Go to the Galapagos Islands
35.  Order dessert first at a restaurant
36.  Conquer my fears
37.  Go to Germany
38.  Have a pet hedgehog
39.  Visit South Africa
40.  Have my husband kiss my pregnant belly
41.   Go to Vegas with my best friends
42.  Go on a mini golf date
43.   Be married to the same person for over 50 years
44.  Go on a date with Ryan Gosling
45.  Move to Hollywood
46.  See Stonehenge        
47.  Run a 3k
48.  Visit Holland
49.  Buy a red Chanel lipstick     
50.  Meet Bon Jovi
51.   Get a matching tattoo with my sisters
52.  Let my hair get really long   
53.  Have my family at my wedding
54.  Get out of my town
55.  Visit Amsterdam
56.  Kiss under the mistletoe       
57.  Go on a midnight stroll in Paris
58.  Own a Polaroid         
59.  Have a flat stomach
60.  Have a pet cow
61.   See St. Basil’s Cathedral
62.  Visit every concentration camp site
63.  Go Diving
64.  Experience Christmas and New Years in NYC
65.  Live in Hawaii for a year
66.  Sleep on the beach
67.  Take a photography class
68.  Marry my best friend
Sorry it's so ridiculously long!
I just have so much I want to do before I get married, have kids, get too old, kick the bucket.
There is so much this world can offer and I intend on taking advantage of it all!
By the way, I totally ordered my white shoes and I can't wait to draw all over them!
Plus I got a good deal.
I ordered Bobs from Sketchers and got free shipping!
But anyway, I would love to hear other people's lists!
Wishing I was in a pair of sweats and my lumberjack pajama shirt, with all my love, Morgan

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