Monday, January 9, 2012

Weird But OK!

So, as I was watching "When Harry Met Sally" with my sister Maddie, one scene totally stood out to me. And not the Fake-It scene, ya dirty minded fool! Lol
It's the scene where Sally finds out her ex-boyfriend is getting married and she starts to sob and is totally broken up about it!
Well I think that is totally normal.
Even though you may never think of your ex-significant other, you have the total right to be a little sad about it.
I'm not sure why it's ok, it just is!
Men, consider this a guide to women's feelings.
At least this woman's feelings! Haha.

Here's something a lot of women tend to do...and by women I mean teens are included.
Sometimes, we get this stupid little thing called "Baby Fever."
And you're right, when you're a teen it makes no sense whatsoever!
You don't have to even be in a committed relationship or be married!
It's like, every baby you see is so cute and baby clothes are the best invention ever!!
Baby Fever is completely normal, at least I think so.
As long as you don't act on it when it's not the right time to be knocked up, you're totally fine.

Somedays, women are just sad, and you're just going to have to deal with it.
It's not something we can control; would we stay sad if we could help it??
I didn't think so!
The safest thing to do is run a warm bath, pick up Chinese, stick in The Notebook and hand over the one pound Hershey's bar.
I could go for all of that and I'm not even sad! Lol. I just happen to be love the Notebook, be kinda chilly, and am craving something sweet (chocolate) and salty (Chinese!!)

Sometimes, we have these things called, "Fat Days."
Yeah, we can't avoid them either.
There is probably nothing you can say to help us feel better.
And for goodness sakes, don't offer to help us work out!!!!
I, for one, know how to work out and I don't need your help!
Plus, it makes us feel like you agree, we are fat! Haha.

Well, that's all for today!
Have a wondermous day and be sure to hug someone today.
Just trust me: it sounds weird, but everyone should be hugged at least once a day!

By the way, I think my sisters and brother and best friend Tim read my mind...I was super thirsty and they brought me a Watermelon Icee!
Huzzah for 7/11!!!
With Icee goodness in hand, and all my love, Morgan

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