Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why Am I So Exhausted?

Because today feels like the LONGEST DAY EVER!!!
While I did officially start school yesterday, with just one Modern European history class, today was my full day of school. I had 4 classes, starting at 8 am.
Good news is, all my professors seem really cool and my favorite professor remembered me from last spring semester! She is so knowledgeable and I hope to be the same way when I'm teaching history one day!
I must be a glutton for punishment because I'm taking 18 hours this semester.
Two from one of the hardest (yet, still my favorite!) professor.
I have an online class that I still need to check.
If I could tell my high school self something, it would be this:
"Self, junior high sucked. High school sucked a little less. College is amazing. But it's a lot of work, so appreciate your lazy days...you won't get many when school starts!"
I find myself always wishing time had passed.
"Man, I wish this class would just end!"
"I wish the summer would come already!"
"Is it 6 pm yet??"
But I think I need to take a chill pill and appreciate the time I have here on earth.
At my church, Pastor Craig Groeschel just preached a sermon on wisdom.
How we just need to ask for it and we'll get it!
How awesome is that?
I feel like I would have never come up with appreciating my time without my many prayers for wisdom. It is truly amazing how God works.
And he doesn't even get the cred for it most of the time.

I hope everyone is having an amazing day and enjoying it!
After all, we're not guaranteed our next breath.
With all my love, Morgan

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