Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's Day

While it is definitely easy to get all bummed out this time of year, I want to encourage you and give you a good Valentine's Day!
First of all, yes, it sucks to be single on V-Day. Duh, we all know that.
Now get over it.
You know what makes me feel so much better about it?
The fact that allll the candy will be on sale on the 15th!!!
It's true, save your chocolate craving for the day after.
When I worked at a Walgreens, it went 50% off the day after, and I think most places are the same way.
Also, you can take this oppurtunity to wear pink and red together and no one can say a darn thing!
Plus, you can have dresses like these!!!
This one says it's red, but it doesn't look very red to me.
Still amazing!!

This one is from ModCloth...super cute.

This one is only $24.80 from Forever 21!

So, that's all folks!
Maybe I'll do some date night beauty here soon!
Have a beautiful night!
With all my love, Morgan

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