Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Don't Like to Make Plans

Well, that probably sounds kinda weird now doesn't it?
I mean, who doesn't like to?
Because everytime I plan for something, God just changes my plans completely.
I thought I didn't want to go to school so I could follow a boy to Texas?
Yeah, right, said God...and my parents haha.
I thought I would go to hair school?
I think I'm going to Tulsa this weekend?
Not gonna happen!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm so glad God has the master plan.
It stresses me out just thinking about my future!
I go back and forth with it:
Do I want to get married and have kids and just raise a family?
Do I want to stay single for a while?
Not that it's even an option right now since my hiatus from dating life, but still, you get the point.
Do I want to go back to school right after esthetician school and pursue my Bachelor's in Social Studies Education? Or do I want to try to make it as a make up artist?
It's a very confusing and busy time in my life right now, which is why I rarely update this thing haha, but I am so grateful to know that as long as I try to follow God's plan, everything will work out fine.
It may not seem like it at the time, but in the end all will be well.
Off to make myself NOT drop one of my 18 hours worth of classes!
Have a great evening everyone,
With all my love, Morgan

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