Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Suffer From Foot In Mouth Disease.

It was a good day...
Until I took my foot and shoved it all the way into my mouth and all the way down to my stomach.
Sorry for the gross visuals, but I just have to illustrate how embarassed I feel!
So here's the deal: Just don't ever say anything that could taken as hurtful about ANYONE.
I just did this today. I didn't say it mean heartedly, but when the "messenger" told the woman what I said, it came out sounding so mean. Which basically means that I hurt the feelings of the sweetest woman on this planet. Even sweeter than my grandma!!
So remember, and this seems pretty basic, don't say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face. It will get back to them and you will have to own up to it.
Good job me.

On a good note, I finally feel better. I was sick the past couple days. No bueno!
Also, I will probably get to walk in May with my Associate's in History. I won't get my diploma until after I take two summer classes. Well, actually three. A Physical Ed class, a science with no lab class and Eurpean history from 1500-1815!
I have to get a degree audit but hopefully I can apply for graduation soon!!

Well, off to pull my foot out of my mouth! I have to wax these brows and dye my roots tonight...they joys of being a female!
With all my love, and my now silent lips, Morgan

A picture to live my life by hahahaha

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