Saturday, March 3, 2012

Time For a Change.

The time has come for a change.
My goodness, I'm so restless and bored with everything lately.
I know, I sound so ingrateful, but I really don't mean to be.
I've just got to do something different soon or I'll scream.

For instance, I want to go on a road trip really bad.
And I'd like to color my hair something really crazy.
I want to do makeup all the time instead of every once in a while.
I want to graduate from college. Like, yesterday.
I want to see my best friend who I haven't seen since the beginning of November.

I make all these plans, create all these lists and where have they gotten me?
I feel like I'm just in a different place than a lot of my old friends.
I'm not seeing anyone, I'm not engaged or married or reproducing.
Now, before I even go down that pathetic road, there are some serious benefits to being single.
I am independent, I do what I want, I like the freedom that comes along with being a young single woman.
Sometimes I just have to remind myself that there is no rush when it comes to dating or getting married. Just because everyone else is, doesn't mean I have to.
There is something very freeing in that.
I love going to school, even though it stresses me out, and a lot of my friends don't get to do that anymore.
I love my boring life. Because I avoid things like drugs and alcohol, I have stayed true to myself and my beliefs.
And you know what?
Tomorrow may just be a great day for a mini road trip.
Tomorrow I may just have to go buy some purple hair dye.
The makeup jobs will come because I know I'm pursuing what I'm supposed to be doing.
I will be done with my Associate's this summer. I can handle school until early August.
As for my best friend, there is nothing I can do about that. He's in Italy and that's that.
But how amazing is it that I get to do see him in August?
Sometimes I just have to type this out to sort out my sad mood and gain a more positive attitude.

With all my love, Morgan

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