Friday, March 9, 2012

To Be Honest...

You've probably seen those all over Facebook at some time or another.
TBH! Like my status! Hahaha. I'm "friends" with some of my 14 year old sister's friends on Facebook and I love to read their posts...always so dramatic and they somehow manage to use more exclamation points than I do! Which is a pretty big accomplishment I think hahaha.
As a blogger with at least 6 readers (Woo-hoo! hahaha) I have always tried to maintain my honesty with my readers. I like to think of us as a weird, "Never actually try to contact me" way!

So here's some honesty for you guys:
I wish today was Thursday so I could call this Truthful Thursday but instead it is.....


So I suppose number one is...I'm feeling really anxious to be finishing school.
Now I actually have to do something with my life! Haha. I thought I had at least 2 more years to figure things out, but with my recent decision to pursue makeup full time, I will not be getting a degree in Social Studies Education anymore.
School was a great thing to hide behind.

Something that I feel ashamed about is...feeling sad.
Now hold on, let me explain!
I feel like I have a lot of great things going for me: I've been talking to lots of photographers and even have a shoot booked for Tuesday morning. No, not the store!! Haha. I'm about to finish school, and lots of other things I don't need to list.
I love this quote from one of my favorite books, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

And I know exactly how that feels! I feel so ingrateful because I have EVERYTHING and I'm still sad.
I just think it makes no sense.
Now, I'm not gonna lie, it has been a lot better lately. I think all of this is a mixture of anxiety about the future (which is stupid because God has a handle on it), school, and a couple of other things.

Recently, I found out my sister might move to Ohio for school.
I don't want to sound all "emo middle school kid" or anything, but I really don't want her to go because I have already lost one best friend and I'm not sure what I would do if I only saw her at holidays and the summer time.
I feel like when she leaves, then that's the last time my siblings and parents will all live together.
And I'm just not ready for that.
Plus, I'm the oldest...shouldn't I be the first to leave?

I promise I'll think of something ultra fun for the next post...but to be honest, I am physically exhausted and I've been doing homework all day so now my brain is tired too! haha.

With all my love on this beautiful Oklahoma day, Morgan

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