Friday, March 23, 2012

Some Big News Brought to You By My Family!

Well, I have been so busy this semester. I don't remember if I told you, my dear 5 readers, but I may get to walk at graduation this May, and just take my last two classes this summer and get my diploma in August. Well, even BIGGER stuff has gone down! Not for me, but for my sister, Maddie!

You might not be able to see it very well, but my little sister is the new Miss Choctaw 2012!!!!
I'm so happy for her. She has had a tough senior year so far, and she has risen above all of negativity to receive this title. Also, she is the new recipient of the Freshman Achievement Scholarship (I think that's its' name) at UCO...which is the BIGGEST tuition waiver scholarship they offer! I'm so proud of her. She is so deserving of this scholarship. She worked her tail off in drama, volunteering, and most importantly her academics. What person actually elects to take physics when they're not especially gifted in math anyway??? Hahah!
 It almost makes me want to cry because I know she is going to be so successful and happy and I feel like this title and scholarship are her chance at starting fresh and becoming an adult.
Here's a few more pics...I did her hair and makeup.

Casual Wear, after crowning!

Maddie, Me holding up the Dress haha and Miss Choctaw 2011 Melody High marveling at her choice of foot wear for Formal wear! Haha. The dress was too long, so we decided on the highest heels we have! Hahaha

My other hair/makeup appointment, Kenzie Kulig! She is GORGEOUS!!

My two clients before formal wear!

As you can tell, I had such a great time and am very proud of not only my sister, but the other ladies.
I think pageants are often seen as a shallow event. I'm guilty of this thinking too! Ha!
But it takes a lot of guts to get up there and strut your stuff in front of people being paid to judge you!

With all my love, Morgan

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