Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Pursuit of Happyness

Yes, I did spell "happiness" wrong on purpose! Haha.
My dear 5 readers, I must make an announcement.
This is the beginning of my pursuit of happiness.
I truly believe my unhappiness is not normal.
I shouldn't be hung up on something that happened a year ago.
I believe that inner joy can only come from God.
And God has truly blessed me but I still don't know how to allow myself to be happy.
I was thinking about it last night and thought to myself:
"Self, now you are happy like 90% of the time. It is only when you allow yourself to dwell on stupid stuff in the past that you have bad days."
So in my pursuit of happyness, I have even talked to my mom about seeking help from a pro.
This is so embarassing for me to put out there for you all to read, but I am very much ready to be happy. I want to let go of everything and be myself again.
I haven't felt like myself in a long time.

So here is my declaration: I will follow my own advice and tell myself I am happy.
But I also have a plan. You know I love lists!!!

Morgan's Game Plan!!!

1. Do something new every week. I would say everyday, but let's take one step at a time here! Haha

2. Do something nice for someone else everyday. This I think is even more so important than my own happiness. I want it to spread to everyone else.

3. Be the best student, daughter, sister, friend, whatever, I can be. I have seriously neglected my friendships and relationships with people and that isn't tolerable anymore.

4. Do something I don't want to do as often as possible. I tend to avoid social situations, anything new or scary, etc. For instance, I have started to volunteer at SWITCH, which is Youth group at Life Church and I constantly think of excuses not to go. Also, I got a makeup job with a photographer this weekend and even though I want to go, I immediately thought of a reason not to go. And it's only because I don't know what to expect!

5. Start checking things off my Bucket List. I am sitting around, wasting my life, and that has got to change. I need to do something at least once a month. This may increase once I graduate from college.

6. I have somehow got to allow myself to be happy. I deserve to be.

With all my love, Morgan

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