Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two Million Years Later...

This has been one crazy and great semester for is so hard to do anything else but study and work and study some more! Haha.
I have some really cool things going on right now.
My friends Brandon and Kaitlin (aka Cutest Married Couple Ever) are launching an online magazine.
Click here to see BBP Magazine's Website!
Anyway, they have offered me a chance to be a beauty writer for it! I mean, how exciting is that??
Things have definitely been more positive lately.
I made myself go to SWITCH and it has been so rewarding.
I am kind of co-leading a group of 6th and 8th grade girls and sometimes it just astounds me how much they've gone through.
It is something I pretty much look forward to now!

It has been about, oh, two gazillion years since I wrote about anything beauty related!! Haha.
So, I'll talk about vitamins and the benefits they have for your outside appearance.

Now, I do not have the qualifications to tell you what you should take. Nor do I have the education! Ha! But I can tell you this: Vitamins are not only necessary for fulfilling nutritional needs, but they can greatly improve things like your hair, skin and nails. Now, some people will tell you to take Biotin. It's supposed to make all of that stuff grow and all that jazz. But in my opinion, everything will function better if you take a multivitamin! My mom even says that her Women's Daily multivitamins and Calcium supplements help calm her "Crazy Legs" or Restless Leg Syndrome!
I don't think anything will make your hair or nails grow faster. I do think that by getting the proper nutrition, your body will respond and perform better for you. So talk to your Doc or someone wayyyy more qualified than me, and get yourself a multivitamin! Also, I like to take Omega 3, 6 and 9's...our body needs those Oils but we don't make them! You can eat food high in Omega 3's, but we can't eat salmon everyday! Haha.
Again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!! This is simply my opinion. If you have a question about what vitamin you should take, find an actual doctor...they'll hook you up with some knowledge!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
With all my love, Morgan

P.S. If you want your hair to grow out nicely (not faster...not possible!) You need to exercise, be easy on the heat styling and coloring/bleaching, take your vitamins, wash your hair every other day, use a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove potentially clogging build-up from products and massage your scalp! I know it sounds weird, but it is really relaxing. I've also heard doing hand stands help but I wouldn't know! Hahaha

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