Friday, April 27, 2012


Well, a little while back I made a goal for myself:
1. Do something nice for somebody everyday.
2. Do something I don't want to do as often as possible.
3. Do something new (was it once a month?)

Well, I can tell you right now that I have been keeping up with the middle one!
I have been going to SWITCH, and finishing all my homework assignments and going to class...even when I really really hate my 8 am Mythology class. I mean, that class has so much homework! They do know that 99% of that stuff isn't real right?! Haha

However, I have not been good about doing something nice for others on a daily basis, which is sad because that should be the easiest when you think about it!
As for something new, well, I attribute that to no flippin' free time! I need to quit with the excuses though, I know.

I'm not sure I will tell you all when I do something nice...that feels like I'm trying to get compliments for being decent to other humans!! But when I do something that will be documented! Like, I'm about to graduate from junior college...something new!! Huzzar!!

So for the actual beauty post: I got nothin.'

How pathetic is that? Haha. I have been so focused on finishing school, I'm surprised I've even worn makeup this semester. If you wanna read something about beauty, then you'll just have to check out my article in BBP Magazine! Go subscribe now...why not? It's free! I love free, it's always in my price range!

With all my love, Morgan

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