Wednesday, May 2, 2012

As My Mama Would Say...

I am just full of piss and vinegar today!
I don't know where she gets her little sayings.
She'll do something kinda crafty or impressive and us kids will say:
"Where'd you learn that, Mama?"
And she'll reply, "Oh, I learned it in 'Nam."
My mother was not fighting in "'Nam."
Haha she was barely born!
I don't even think HER dad was stationed in Vietnam!
Or we'll walk outside on a windy day and say:
"Well, it's windier than a sack full of buttholes out here!"
You are so right, Mom, that's exactly what I was thinking hahahaha.

Well, my point is, I am all fired up today!
That is what piss and vinegar means I guess ha ha.
I am very annoyed with school.
People were making fun of me because I got upset when my Hitler and Nazi Germany Professor (Yes, that is the class' actual name haha) asked if we had to choose between certain members of our family, who would we let die? (She was asking this because we were talking about the Jewish ghetto in Krakow and sending people to the camps)
And I said I wouldn't know and it made me really upset to even think about it!
THEN, my supposed "best friend" is terrible about keeping in contact with me.
I swear, I have acquaintances who are better about calling me or messaging me back.
So now, I am just ticked! Lol.
I just want people to let me feel upset about choosing my hypothetical children over my hypothetical mother in the hypotherical Jewish ghetto! It's a very upsetting thing to think about, gosh darn it!
And I just want my best friend to act like he wants to talk to me!
They are average ones!!!!

Ok, I'm done now haha.
I do have a quick beauty tip for you all though.
I just started using Jergens Self Tanning Lotion for body and their stuff for your face.
Well, let me tell you, I really like it!
I was a big fan of the mousse type stuff from Urban Decay but I don't think they make it anymore.
My tip would be to really exfoliate well. It doesn't look dark when you put it on, but I didn't exfoliate well the first night and I had some streaks on my chest the next day.
I can't wait to try out St. Tropez's...My hero, Kandee Johnson, always uses it and gives it rave reviews...only problem is it's pricey!
I got my Jergens Tanner at CVS, but I imagine you can buy it at any drug store or Wally-World or Tarjay!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
With all my love, Morgan

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