Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Past Few Weeks in Review

I have had such a busy month of May!
Technically, I should be doing some work for my online 2-week interim course for First Aid
(Yes, I do indeed hate myself already for it! Haha.)
But see, I didn't think to order the book it needs!
I have placed my order however, and it'll be in tomorrow.
So I am going to play catch up haha.
So, as for the past few weeks:
I graduated from Rose State! Ignore my dumb looking hair...it was raining all that day and it was not cooperating at all!
I am technically a summer candidate, but I don't care! Haha
This is my "something new." I had never graduated from an institution of higher education.
My little sister graduated from high school!
Those are her two best friends, Tim and Dylan.
She was honored as a National Honor Society Member, National Forensic League (with, I believe, an honorary degree!!) and a frequent blood donor. She's the woman!! Haha

It's been a crazy few weeks gone by, and I'm glad it's coming to a close.
I feel worn out!! Haha.

Also, have you guys tried these??
I'm OBSESSED!!! I love them! Haha

And, alas, I am sad, for this is what I did to my phone just last night:
I popped the camera button right off!
I didn't even realize I did it until this morning!
On a positive note, I did get a mani/pedi.
Well, not a real mani. I just had them shape up and paint my nails.
I hate to paint my own nails.

Also, I would like to announce that even though this has been probably the toughest semester of my college career, I made A's and B's.
I will take that! Hahaha.

Something I didn't want to do? I hung out with someone even though I really wanted to stay in my comfort zone and blow this person off.

Hoping to blog more now that it's summer,
with all my love, Morgan

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