Thursday, July 12, 2012

Favorite Thursdays

I've been so busy lately, with wedding season and lots of other shoots, that it has been difficult to write anything! Even my article for BBP Magazine was last minute.
I'm not proud of that either!
I wanted to talk about some of my favorite things...and some of my not so favorite things haha.

This week, I had a TF (time-for, basically means unpaid) shoot with a photographer I had never worked for before. We'll call him Phil. He offered to do a TF shoot with me sometime, if I ever wanted to. Well, I did have a shoot in mind! Now, I can't tell you all the things he said because it will give away who this photog is. I don't want to ruin his rep, I just wanted to tell a story.
So after he was rude to one of my models, he continued to do rude things throughout the shoot, but not before he told me to hold his sunglasses.
I do not mind helping every once in a while, especially if asked nicely, but he shoved his glasses at me and then proceeded to be so rude that I cut the shoot short.
You may be thinking, "Well, sheesh, Morgan, what's the point of this story?"
Well, while we were walking around, a part of his sunglasses must've fallen off!! Hahaha
I promise I didn't break them!
Let's just say he can no longer wear them! Hahahaha!
That was my favorite part of the whole shoot.
Thus, making it the favorite moment of the week so far.

My other favorites include:
-My sparkly star ring I got at a Buck Jewelry
-Pinteresting for shoot ideas
-Nice Photographers!!
-This really cool bronzer from Stila- Click here for Bronzer's link!
-Planning my move to a whole new city for Cosmetician school (EEEK!!!)
-Designing the matching tattoo with my sister that we'll probably never get! haha
-Hello Kitty anything!
Image: Google

-Feeling very content and restless at the same time
-Almost having your diploma!!
-The Red Dirt Daughters (

My not-favorites include:
-Wearing black and having your dog's hair stick to it!
-Pinteresting and coming across porn-ish images. Really, people?!
-RUDE Photogs.
-Looking a little TOO tan from over-bronzing haha
-Paying for the move to a new city...GULP
-Trying to eat healthier...I miss you, Toaster Strudels...
-Second day mascara that insists on clumping.
-Feeling so restless! I will be glad for some traveling next month.

So this is my week so far!
With all my love, Morgan

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