Saturday, December 31, 2011

As We Bid 2011 Adieu...

I really wanted to share some of my highlights from the past year with you guys.
This has been a very hard and very good year for me.
I'm excited for a new one though!
There is something so nice about leaving behind the old and ushering in the new.

-The ups and downs of 2011-

1. I quit working at Walgreens. Huzzah!!!
2. I got a job at my current store! Double Huzzah!
3. I alternated between loving and hating school. I am looking forward to next semester though! Hurray for lots o' history classes!
4. I had a very sad break up, but everything is much better now! Plus, we've been able to maintain the friendship that was probably the most important part of the relationship anyway!
5. I booked my first wedding as a make up artist! And I have a couple more coming up in Spring 2012!
6. I felt very unlike myself for a lot of 2011, but I feel much better now. My creativity was one of my favorite things about myself and I feel like I've regained a lot of it!
7. I faced my fears and took Zumba. Which you should have heard of, unless you've been living under a rock. I was very scared to dance in front of people, but it was a lot of fun! Even though I was still pretty bad! Hahaha
8. I finally learned how to study. I know, you think that's stupid, but hear me out. I never had to study in high school, I just got good grades. But this semester I took Biology and French and 2 online classes. I HAD to study. And it worked out just fine! I had A's and B's and one "C" in humanities. Which is annoying, but I earned it! Haha.
9. I got to do the make up for my sister's One Act production of "Dead Man Walking." And they took first at the One Act Competition!! I was so proud! And her state ring is gonna be sick!
10. And lastly, I really started to work on my relationships with people and most importantly God! It's still hard. Sometimes I want to avoid people because it's simply easier, but I know I can't!

1. I'd like to blog more...but I do have two classes from this tough professor, so we'll see! Haha
2. I want to make some good friends! I think I could use those every once in a while! Haha
3. Maybe try to eat a little better! I'm not saying cut out junk food, but maybe eat veggies every once in a blue moon! Hahahaha
4. I need to keep up exercising! Heart disease runs in the fam, after all!
5. I really want to be a better daughter, sister and friend.
6. I am determined to have more fun this year! My college years are slipping by quickly and I need to take advantage! Haha
7. I need to get over the "I hate dating" thing.
8. I get to go to ITALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pumped!!!
9. While I think I'm pretty generous with money, I'm not when it comes to my time! That's something that should change.
10. Continue working on my relationship with God!

Well, 3 readers, it's been real, it's been fun and I'm glad this year is just about done!
Stay safe out there tonight, no drunk driving, no drugs, etc.
See you next year!
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Been Too Long!!

I feel like I've not seen my best friend in months, or I've not had ice cream in years!
I've missed typing this stuff up!
Honestly guys, I needed a break.
I am feeling much better now and I can't wait to share a couple things!
So first of all, one of my Facebook friends, Ashley, shared this wonderful little advice article and I thought I'd share it with you guys!
I'm not going to post the whole thing since it would make this post like, a million miles long and I wanted to discuss some beauty related things.
About a thousand years ago, or was it finals week?... I promised you guys my favorite party looks! And here they are!

This is more of a tunic type clothing piece...Forever 21 tried to say it's a dress but puh-lease...that thing would show undies with the slightest arm raise!
I really like the pattern, plus I like gold a lot! I think it looks warmer and it's not exactly expected! I would probably pair this with some killer (but thick! haha) leggings and maybe heels or my combat boots.

So maybe you're thinking, "But Morgan, I don't really like sparkly dresses! How can I go out on New Year's Eve and still stay true to my style??!
And to that I say, "Then I have a cute dress idea for you!!"
This is another from Forever 21.
I love, love, love this green color!
So beautiful. This looks short to me, but remember, these are just ideas!
Sometimes the women's section has longer selections. And yes, they are still cute! Haha.

You could also shop at a store called DownEast Basics.
They only have a physical store in Utah, I believe, and it was created to be fun fashionable AND modest!
I found a few things I love, plus they are so great because you could wear them for other things!
Hello! This jumpsuit could be so hot with some amazing accessories and shoes! You could do some sick sparkly pumps and with some dramatic make up, you'd be ready to hit the town.
This little black dress may look plain, but I assure you it wouldn't be on an actual person. The rouching (Spell check that word haha) would define your curves (or make them for us boy shaped people) and smooth out any imperfections. Also, the sleeves are thick enough so you can wear a real bra and get plenty of support through the whole evening. Plus, the dress is plenty long so you won't feel exposed when dancing or doing whatever you do when you watch the ball drop! Just add some fun baubles and shoes and you're good to go, you classy woman, you!

I love the idea of separates as well. And no, don't wear these together! Haha.
First the top: You could wear so much with this. High-waisted and flared jeans, thick jeggings, black dressy pants (or pin-stripe!), skinnies, whatever!
And that skirt: Oh man, to DIE for. Elle Woods would be proud.
And don't worry: Many boutiques sell DownEast Basics as wholesale (I know mine does) and you can also buy online.
Don't want to order online or find a Forever 21?
May I introduce Target...your new BFF.
This little dress is available at Target and is so sassy and cute. I love the idea of hose or stockings with a print on them for this dress!

Well that's all folks!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
With all my love, Morgan

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm So Sick Of Snobs

Listen up y'all, because I have a rant for you.
Let me get this clear: If there is anything I hate on this planet, it is a SNOB.
You are no better than anyone on this entire planet.
Remember that little Civil Rights Movement we had in the 50's and 60's??
Yeah, that sort of ensured that no one was better than anyone.
I'm so sick of seeing the people being put down for some miniscule thing that shouldn't matter.
So you think that you're better than a "fat" person just because you're a size 0??
Yeah, think again. You're just a skinny girl blessed with skinny people metabolism.
You think you're better than the "dumb" kid in your math class?
Wrong. You just happen to be good at school subjects...maybe that "dumb" kid can fix a car and you can't even pump your own gas.
And people who "don't like ugly people??"
What the heck is that about?
What's funny is, the moment someone tells me that, I think THEY'RE ugly.
And who are YOU to decide whether or not someone's clothes are stupid?
The irony? People who are truly stylish rarely care enough to pick apart others' clothes!
I'm comfortable in the clothes I select and I just don't feel the need to pick apart others' wardrobes.
I was raised on Thrift store clothes. I didn't always have cute clothes.
Some people will never be able to afford nice clothes so just leave them alone.
I'm so sick and tired of people thinking they're better than others.
And honestly, I'm not putting up with it again.
From now on, when I see or hear something like that, I will not be silent about it.
I was put down when I was young for not having the right clothes, for not having the right friends, for whatever! And if I can help it, I won't allow it around me anymore.
I'm done being friends with negative people and letting them bring me down.
Here's the deal: If you are so self-conscious in yourself that you have to constantly bring someone else down to feel good about yourself, then you need to get some help.
I'm not being sarcastic or mean, you really need to seek a counselour.
There are some issues there that YOU need to get worked out.
I am honestly so angry that I can't write about the dresses today, I'm sorry guys.
And I'll eventually get to the make up looks, it's just really busy.
I'll do them when I get out of school for the semester!
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Project!!

Hey everyone!
I'm really excited because my friend Andrew approached me about writing a fashion and beauty blog with him!
Don't worry my beloved 3 readers (I really do appreciate you guys reading!!) I will continue to write this blog as well!
In this new one, on Tumblr, which I think I might like better than blogspot, Andrew will be focusing on fashion. He's got great style! And I will be focusing on the trends in the beauty world!
Plus, I think I'm going to start doing beauty tutorials! Huzzah! Haha.
If you wanna check it out, here's the link...I'll let you guys know when we post...It's going to be a twice a week kind of thing, with me posting on Monday or Tuesday and Drew posting on Friday or Saturday!
Don't you love the background on it??
I'm excited about this because A) I love to write and B) It will be very challenging to come up with even more topics to write about!

So my new topic of the day is about not-getting-bummed-out-around-the-holidays.
I've been a bit guilty of this! It's my first Christmas with my best friend being away!
Plus, last year he got snowed in at my house on Christmas Eve and had to stay with us!
We had a terrible snow storm on Christmas Eve last mom's birthday is on Christmas and we almost couldn't go to my grandparents' house to celebrate on the 24th like we always do.
Needless to say, we were a bit spoiled last year! haha.
So I've been trying to stay really positive because I know this time of year is WAAAYY harder for Matt than it is for me....After all, I have my family with me.
These tips can be used for anyone. Maybe you're single, or a recent death in the family, etc.
  1. Always always always stay busy. I think I've given this tip before, but it is so true. I have lots of friends with military significant others and this is my biggest advice to them. Find new hobbies, hang out with friends and have fun! You have to let yourself enjoy things.
  2. Find fun things to do around your city! I live in a suburb of OKC...there's ice skating in Bricktown, I can't remember where, but some place in the city sets up a big snow hill and you can go sledding! Go see the lights and get hot chocolate with your best friend!
  3. Keep exercising. I know, it's cold, who wants to head to the gym?? Well, some colleges and gyms offer non-credit classes like Zumba and's only twice a week at my school! Get your endorphins flowing and get in shape too! I tell you what, I never had a butt until I took Zumba! And it doesn't even seem like exercise. Plus, the community college I attend has an "interim" Zumba's only $35 and it's 12 classes three times a week! I'm thinking about taking it.
  4. You're allowed to eat!! My goodness, it's ok to have pie and sugar cookies and ham! Just be sure to hit your Zumba class hahaha
  5. Now is the time of year to buy that amazing sparkly dress and wear fun make up!!

I love all of those!
I have no idea where you find them though haha.
Ooh, maybe tomorrow can be a "Find Your Perfect Holidays Dress!"
Yes, that's it, that's what I'm doing hahah.
Check back in soon for the cutest dresses I can find!
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Love Watching House at Home!

House, M.D. is the bomb.
My mom and I watched like 3 episodes today hahaha.
She never sits was pretty fun!
Of course, now she's cleaning hard core to make up for her "laziness."
I saw a post on the maurice's Facebook site that made me sad and kinda made me laugh.
Look, I won't ever shove my beliefs on you guys.
I've been around people who force others to believe in God and all it does is push them farther away.
But I have to say this: The maurice's team was responding to a woman who was mad about them saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Well, I understand why they said it.
You can't please anyone and you want lots of people to come spend money at your store.
So when you work retail, you are often told to say Happy Holidays.
But some of the people who posted it were saying things like,
"Well, I don't believe in Jesus and I don't like having someone's religion shoved down my throat!"
This may offend people, but it has to be said:
We wouldn't have this holiday if it weren't for Christmas, and Christ in particular.
I know that Kwanzaa and Hannukah are celebrated this time of year, but from what I understood, Kwanzaa is a relatively new holiday. And I can't think of a national holiday that isn't government or Christian based.
My point is, if you don't like people saying Merry Christmas, you'll just have to ignore it.
I know I say Merry Christmas because this holiday is celebrating the Christ and how his love has changed our world. And even if you don't believe, you have to admit, the name Jesus stirs up more emotions than any other name.
I know this probably isn't the popular thing to post, but I just felt led to say it.

Now for something a little lighter! Haha.
To continue my favorite make up stuff, I'll tell you about my favorite eye make up basics.
1. CURL YOUR EYELASHES!!!!!!!!!! I promise it's not that scary! If I can curl other people's eyelashes, then you can curl your own! I even got a small one from MAC that some of you may like...
Ok, this is a little one ^^. Here's a normal one:
This is truly not a scary thing! You don't need a crazy expensive one from MAC either...I think it's Revlon that makes are really good one, too.

2. MASCARA IS AMAZING!!!! I love mascara, so so much!
For "expensive make up buyers" I ABSOLUTELY LOOOVVEEE Lancome.

Lancome is ridiculously good...the brushes are amazing...I've been known to dip them into other mascaras when I run out of the Lancome mascara, that's how good the brush is. It's said that Kim Kardashian's make up artist used the new Doll Lashes Lancome formula for her wedding day...and no matter how short it lasted, she did look quite beautiful!
For your drug store finds, (which are usually better in my mind except when it comes to Lancome)
Loreal Voluminous Lashes Mascara is really good. I like it a fact, it is only a VERY close second to Lancome!
Of course, Covergirl makes some really good mascaras.
Well, that's all for today, y'all! Have a great day!
With all my love, Morgan

Friday, December 2, 2011


Did I ever mention I hate being called a "blogger?"
Not to be vulgar, but it sounds like a nickname for a bowel movement. Hahaha.
Anywho, I am the worst blog-keeper-upper because I didn't update yesterday but I did do the make up!
Here it is:
"Dia de Los Muertos"

I think the Day of the Dead is very interesting!
I don't know much about it, but I love the scary/pretty make up it uses.
Here's another reason I'm terrible at blogging:
I didn't do any make up for today...I barely wore make up at all!!
I know! I'm so bad...
And tomorrow will have to be a plain make up because I am working all day!
I'm super bummed though..I got asked, last minute, to go to this Policeman's Ball.
I REALLY wanted to go (Duh, a chance to look pretty lol)
But it was too late to ask for time off. Sad day.
So tomorrow, I think I'll do some good office appropriate make up and hair.
Maybe some tips on how to look good and professional!

So, that's all, folks!
By the way, I'm finally watching Braveheart <3 <----My attempt to make a heart! Haha
"The Good Lord says he's pretty sure he can get me out of this one, but he says you're screwed!"
He says a word I don't use there lol.
Hope everyone had a great day!
With all my love, Morgan

By the way...
I want this. Lol.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Because I Hate Personal Hygiene...

I don't really like to wash my hair!
Hahaha, just kidding!
I actually don't like to's really really gross, I know, but it takes too long and I could be doing other things! Don't worry though...I bathe on a daily basis.
I even wear deodorant!
I do like to have clean teeth though.
In my mind, because I drink so many carbonated drinks, I need to have good oral hygiene so the carbonation doesn't just weaken all my bones! (and teeth are bones, I guess...)
Plus, I'm super paranoid about yellow teeth! I love Crest White Strips though!
I've never had a cavity...the only thing I've had done is I had a baby tooth pulled once because it wouldn't loosen and the other one was coming in. Oh, and all four wisdom teeth were cut out.
Turns out, I don't react well to anesthesia...or pain pills...hahaha

But anyway, I wanted to say, before I got on my teeth spiel, is I truly don't like to wash my hair everyday. Since I color my hair and use heat styling tools, it can lean towards the dry side anyway.
So every other day, I give my hair a good scrub!
But honestly, some days my hair doesn't look very good! Maybe it was really windy the previous day or I had my hands in my hair too much.
So I wanted to show you one of my go-to kinda greasy looking hair cover ups!
I have several...I'm quite dedicated to only washing my hair every other's a new one!
That's a lie...I used to wear my hair like this ALLL the time about a year or so ago.
I used to curl it really tight and make it BIG!
But here's my hair today:

I had leftover waviness from yesterday's VS inspired Make up stuff.

Here's how you do it.
First, I spray my roots with either dry shampoo or hairspray.
Both help soak up extra oils in your hair.
Some people say this is bad, and to them I say Boooo! I do what I want!!! Hissss!!
Then, I do my make up and come back to it so the stuff is good and dry.
Then, I brush it all out with my teasing brush...this helps distribute the product and oils, which are great for you ends.
I brush the thinner side of my hair back and kinda over and start pinning in the back...I should've taken a picture of the back.
Then, I just sprayed hair spray all over and kinda "scrunched" my left over curls.
Also, if you have difficult or frizzy hair, you can slick it over to the side with hairspray or spray gel if you want it too look really tight.
I personally love my hair like this because it's pretty unique and I've never really seen anyone else wear it.
Ok, for my last subject of the day, I want to talk about pants.
Oh, goodness, I love pants.
Jeans, slacks, dress pants, name it, I love it!
My obsession is leopard and colorful jeans!
And before you say, "Well, what the heck would I wear those with??!!"
Let me tell this: You wear them like a neutral.
I'm wearing mine today with a black cotton tank top, corral oversized cardi, black combats boots and gold accessories.
But I've worn them in so so many different ways!
My favorite color right now is rust.
Which sounds ridic, I know. But look at them...
Ah, so gorgeous!
I want them.

Well, that's all I can think of to type!
Hope everyone had a great day, even if your hair is kinda dirty! Hahah
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Did I Say Sunday??

Oh goodness me, I meant Tuesday!! Hahaha.
Ok, I'm a loser, but to be honest it has been a very crazy busy couple of days.
Anyway, here is the look of the day:

Ok, you caught me...I didn't wear my make up like this all day!
I wore sweats hahah. Which is like a big thing for me...I'm never that underdressed!
But boy, I felt comfy!! Lol.
This look is inspired by the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show that is going to air tonight.
I love the VS Angels...they are all so beautiful and glamorous.
Miranda Kerr is definitely one of my favorites!
She is so totally gorgeous!
I love all the false lashes, smoky eyes, sculpted cheekbones and glossy lips!
I'm not big on watching chicks walk around in lingerie...mostly because my door doesn't swing that way lol...but some of it is very beautiful!

Hoping to catch the Fashion Show tonight, and fluttering my falsies, With all my Love, Morgan

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Long Shopping Weekend= Not much time for a blog!!

So, I've been really bad about updating this and I wanted to apologize!
I just happen to work in retail and we work when everyone else is off.
Working Black Friday was fun though and I'm about 2 hours away from being finished up with Small Business Saturday! I hope everyone bought locally...gotta keep those tax dollars in our cities! Haha.
Just to warn everyone: Finals week is approaching QUICKLY!! I will be very busy and overwhelmed and probably to my three readers, I'm sorry! Hahahaha
I'm so ready for a break...I'm feeling so burnt out!
Ok, so this post is a little unplanned, but it's mostly to announce a project I will be starting.
I'm thinking I want to do like, "Two Weeks of Make-Up, Hair and Fashion!"
Where I will show my make up and outfit for the day and discuss my favorite fashionistas or looks. Sound fun??
Well today is the kick off! We will do a round of favorites and starting tomorrow, Sunday, November 27, 2011, I will begin the 14 days of Glam!...or not so glam!! Hahah. I will stressing out trying to look my best all the time!

Today shall be SASSY SATURDAY!!!

These shoes...I can't...I'm so...OBSESSED AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!!!
They're on and they don't have my size...Yes, I'm crying on the inside!!!!

Pink: She is the epitome of sass.
I mean, really?? Hahaha

This vintage wedding dresses I found on
I only want to get married right this second so I could wear that dress!!!

The Mini Harajuku Lovers collection at Target!!
I only want children so they can wear this. Hahaha!
I wish there was a "big people line" from Harajuku for Target!

Well, that's enough for Sassy Saturday.
I'll be planning my next 14 days all night! Haha!
With Harajuku girls, pink hair and all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wisdom: Teenager Style

My sisters and brothers are the funniest and sometimes, the wisest people I have ever known.
They are truly some of the best people around!
But I've also gotten some great advice from the kids I sub for!
When I think back to the whole reason I started this blog, sometimes I laugh because it has truly become something else entirely!
If one person reads this and gets some encouragment or it brightens their day, then I have done my job!
So here are some funny, witty or wise tidbits I have heard from the best teens in my life!

Kids don't think your dreams are dumb!
I was subbing a 7th grade math class and a girl asked me what I was going to be "when I grow up."
First of all, I thought that was darling! Haha.
I told her, "Well, it's probably kind of stupid, but I want to be a make up artist..."
(I'm always a little embarassed to tell people this)
And she said, "That's not stupid!! That's awesome!"
And she was totally genuine. That just about made me wanna cry!!
Even though I was teaching her algebra, she taught me not to be ashamed of what my dreams are!

When my brother was about 10 or so, my sister Maddie and I knew that he was very cute and girls would be all over that...well, we didn't want him to be a snob or promiscuous or anything...and he will definitely have that opportunity! Plus, we always want him to date nice girls when the time comes. So Maddie came up with the best analogy:

"Trey, girls are like cars. Would you rather have a new car or an old car?"
Trey replies,"Well a new car!"
"Well, buddy, you have to look at girls this way, too. Not by their looks, but by how many miles they have. A car with 200,000 miles is probably not a good investment...she's had too many owners most likely! But a girl with like, low miles is a much better investment."
So Trey says, "Oh! Ok, so is Lindsay Lohan a used car?"
Maddie and me at the same time: YES! Lol

I love this. And even though he's only 12, this has stuck with him!
He has a little "girlfriend" who is very sweet and best part is they don't talk...they play basketball! Haha!

I was subbing for a choir class the other day and these 6th graders were freakin' hilarious!!
I wasn't going to join in on their choir games (There was a special needs child in the class, too, and she was wanting me to hang out with her) but I ended up joining in because they were just so goofy!
They taught me to cut loose sometimes and just join in with the fun.
Plus, my Shark attack song skills were seriously rough.

Some people think I'm really weird for only subbing middle school...not a lot of people LIKE middle school aged kids! But I think they're weird because those kids are awesome!

Baby shark do do do do do do baby shark, with all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Umm, hun, why don't you put on your big girl panties...

And deal with it!

Ooh, this phrase literally sends chills of rage and annoyance all the way down my spine.
Ever wondered why people don't like you?
Do you call people "hun", "Honey", "doll" or "sweetie" in a condescending way? Or anytime for anything??
If the answer is Yes, then that is why lol.
Also, if you are not old enough to be my mother, or you're not my mother lol, don't call me anything other than my name.
Come on now.

So here's my quick post since I have to go to class in 20 minutes:
If someone wants to talk about an issue that's really been bothering them, sometimes they don't need your advice.
If they want it, they'll ask. And if you're not sure, then ask!
Sometimes they just need to talk to someone sympathetic.
I guarantee that if you shove your opinions or advice down someone's throat, they won't come to you anymore and they probably won't be friends with you for much longer!
I totally struggled with this when I was young: My friends called me "Mama Hen" because I wanted to be sure they were safe and wouldn't get hurt, even though it wasn't my place to. Well, why would they come to me after being practically yelled at last time they needed a kind shoulder?
This has been on my heart lately for two reasons.
One is shallow: A girl called me a pet name when she's my age and doesn't know me.
It just always comes off as condescending...especially if I end with an ellipsis...
If you're not a weirdo like me an ellipsis is (or are?) the "dot dot dots"
It's one of those "Bless your heart" things. It only bothered me because I didn't ask for her opinion. And it totally reminded me of myself! Hahaha. Well, minus the "Hun..." thing.
Two: I have a group of friends and lately one of the people in said group has been really talkative and wanting to be more himself and it feels like when we hang out, this other person likes to keep him down! Negative Nell is what we'll call the bringer-downer. Negative Nell likes to rag on Opening-Up Dude and I'm not sure why Negative Nell does it.
It just bothers me!
I think that Negative Nell is just that: Negative.
I've been really praying about saying something, but I'm just not sure!
And I know this is annoying that I'm so vague on names and situations, but I'm not sure who all reads this and I wouldn't wanna hurt anyone's feelings!

So remember, don't call me Hon!
My mama and daddy named me Morgan and that's what I liked to be called! Lol
I'm just kidding, that's not the moral...Ok, I'm kinda serious...hahaha!
In all seriousness, if you want to be a good friend and keep your friend, just be there for him or her and dole out advice kindly and when you're sure they want it!

Wearing my big girl panties, lol, With all my love to the Hons out there, Morgan

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How To Ignore The Critics and Negative Nellies

Hey, rude, negative, critical, bringer-downers...they are EVERYWHERE.
Shoot, you probably have family members who are!
I know I do!
A couple in my family likes to almost make fun of my wanting to do make up.
They don't get it.
My parents are actually really supportive, as well as my siblings!
But this couple who is supposed to love me and encourage me always treat my dream like it's stupid.
Plus, I think they're embarassed that I'm pursuing it...they still tell people I'm going to school to be a teacher!! Hahaha!
A conversation usually goes like this:

Them: So, Morgan, what are you going to do after junior college?
Me, In my head: We've had this convo...and you know the answer.
Me, Out Loud: Well, I'm going to esthetician school and then I'm going to pursue make up artistry!
Them: Well, what do you do with that?
Me: Um...well, I could do weddings, TV, movies, proms,...
Them: Well, what would you DO?

Ok. You get the point.
They are haters! Hahaha. And they don't support me.
But to quote Pretty in Pink (aka, the GREATEST 80's Brat Pack movie ever):
"I can't believe in someone who doesn't believe in me."
And it's true!

So my post for today was spurred by three occurences.
Basically, my pastor preached a sermon about critical people and how they basically like to tear others down who are doing great things because they themselves have never reached for anything great. He said something to the effect of,
"If you stick to safe, ordinary things, no one will stop you. When you start reaching for great things, people will try to tear you down."
And I just couldn't agree more with that statement! How many times have I ragged on Taylor Swift? And she has done some pretty big things. I was (and still am! Hahah) jealous because I've not done anything great.
Then, my best friend was really encouraging to me about esthetician school. Well, he's always encouraging to me for that matter! And I though, Wow, some people might not have someone to encourage them.
Lastly, while I was on Facebook, a friend of mine posted this:
"Making some serious changes. I'm going to follow my dreams I've had since I was a little girl and not listen to everyone else's doubt."

Amen sister!! I so identified with that post! I had to comment and encourage her to pursue whatever she wants because we both want great things and hopefully we both get them!

Something I am working on with myself is just ignoring the doubters, the negative nellies, the whatever! You have to, or you'll be brought down to their level!

Remember, sometimes the people who bring you down the most are the people who love you the most. And you'll have to block them out, too.  

Anyway, to all of you being brought down by criticism and negativity, reframe it.
I find that if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I will come up against road blocks.
When I'm not doing much of anything, I'm not going to face anything, because I'm not moving on with my life.

I hope that you continue to pursue your dreams and do what you love, no matter if you're young or old, or ugly or pretty or whatever!!
With all my love and support, Morgan

Monday, November 14, 2011

Let It Rain, Let It Pour

 She Don't Love Me Anymore,
Just let it come down on me, let it come down on me.
Every word, let it hurt, even more than I deserve,
Let it come down on me, let it come down on me,
Let it rain
-David Nail

Warning: This post is a little random...I'm not sure why country music and Mel Gibson go together...they just do!!

Oh man, I love me some country music!
This is a new thing for me...I hated it when I was young.
For me, it represented the hometown that I never felt a part of...I wasn't into football, never dated an athlete, I was a drama student for goodness sakes!
But now, I love it! My sister makes fun of me...I'm like the antithesis of country music.

Anyway, country music is the best music to listen to when you're a little heart broken.
Trust me, I've been there done that enough to tell you that rap is not a good substitute for country when you just wanna lay in bed all day and watch Braveheart and have a HUGE chocolate milk shake!

But today, I can not lay in bed and watch Braveheart and drink a shake. No, I am at work, drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper and listening to some country songs!

Now, that looks like a good day!
When will people learn??
You don't mess with Mel when his face is painted in that manner!
Or when he carries a hatchet like in the Patriot...I don't care what people say...I love Mel Gibson movies!

I love this much!

Eli Young Band - Crazy Girl
Baby why you wanna cry?
You really oughta know that I
Just have to walk away sometimes
We’re gonna do what lovers do
We’re gonna have a fight or two
But I ain’t ever changin’ my mind
Crazy girl, don’t you know that I love you?
And I wouldn’t dream of goin’ nowhere
Silly woman, come here, let me hold you
Have I told you lately?
I love you like crazy, girl
Wouldn’t miss a single day
I’d probably just fade away
Without you, I’d lose my mind
Before you ever came along
I was livin’ life all wrong
Smartest thing I ever did was make you all mine
Crazy girl, don’t you know that I love you?
And I wouldn’t dream of goin’ nowhere
Silly woman, come here, let me hold you
Have I told you lately?
I love you like crazy, girl
Crazy girl
Crazy girl, don’t you know that I love you?
And I wouldn’t dream of goin’ nowhere
Silly woman, come here, let me hold you
Have I told you lately,
I love you like
Crazy, girl, don’t you know that I love you?
And I wouldn’t dream of goin’ nowhere
Silly woman, come here, let me hold you
Have I told you lately?
I love you like crazy, girl
Like crazy
Crazy girl
Like crazy
Crazy girl
Like crazy

Ok, enough about that!
I actually wanted to talk about something beauty related, but I can't remember what it was....something to do with food...
Oh Well!
I'll come up with something more prepared tomorrow.
We rarely get somewhere on accident after all! Haha.

Ok, one more favorite song....

Lady Antebellum: We Own the Night
Tell me have you ever wanted
Someone so much it hurts?
Your lips keep trying to speak
But you just can't find the words
Well I had this dream once;
I held it in my hands

She was the purest beauty
But not the common kind
She had a way about her
That made you feel alive
And for a moment
You made the world stand still

Yeah we owned the night

You had me dim the lights;
You danced just like a child
The wine spilled on your dress

And all you did was smile

Yeah, it was perfect
I hold it in my mind

Yeah, we owned the night

When the summer rolls around
And the sun starts sinking down
I still remember you
Oh, I remember you
And I wonder where you are

Are you looking at those same stars again?
Do you remember when?

We woke under a blanket
All tangled up in skin
Not knowing in that moment
We'd never speak again
But it was perfect;
I never will forget
When we owned the night

Yeah, we owned the night

I have to keep reminding myself that things may look bad now, but it gets better.
I'm trying to remember the exact quote my mom said one time...
Something like, "Later is often better than now."
And she didn't mean that in reference to doing homework!! Hahaha.
I hope you are having a wonderful day and if you aren't...turn on your country station! Haha
With Braveheart and a chocolate shake on the mind, with all my love, Morgan


So I thought this picture was hilarious...I'm a little sick though...hahaha
It's only funny because I know he is wearing a ridiculous wig and those poor make up people had to make so much fake blood!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Oh. Em. Gee.

That title really has nothing to do with this post, I just think it's funny!
You can't sub middle school and NOT pick up some funny sayings, like Oh em gee!

So remember on my last post I was talking about Chazown and how it was about finding a purpose for your life and I would probably have a dramatic post about it? 'Member? You 'member. Hahahah! Well, first of all, here's the link to the website if you wanna check it out!
It's all this really intense self study and looking to God to find out what you're here for.
It's crazy intense, y'all.
Well, here's how the evening went: I almost didn't want to go because I feel like I can't hide anything from this group, and I didn't want to talk about what has been bothering me, and that's Matt being in Italy and not being with me. But I went anyway because I tend to be anti-social and I need to go.
So we're all taking this spiritual gift assessment, which I've never felt was a good indicator for me. I've taken it three times now and I feel like it's just about right this time! It says my biggest spiritual gift is craftsmanship! I kinda thought it was lame (I mean, exhortation? Faith? Those sound waaayyy cooler, I don't care who you are! Lol) but when I read the description, it really fit me to a T. It said this person likes to create things and be creative. They should exercise this by participating in Drama or art or music...well, I was in some type of performing arts from 11 to 18 and I'm a make up artist...when I was young, I filled up journals with my drawings...I've not drawn in a while...and I play the piano...I quit taking lessons when I was 16 because drama took up my practice time! 
Crazy, huh?? Plus, it said discernment, which surprised me. But my dad is CRAZY good at discerning things and situations and I'm like his personality twin practically. The only one I disagreed with was Service. I don't think I serve enough or do things for other people...I think I got this because I love to have people feel better about themselves after I do their make up/hair. Although, it makes sense because I will be doing a service for a living one day and I work in customer service. The last two I tied on and I completely agreed with: Writing and giving. I Have always LOVED to give gifts. I've often considered bringing other people gifts to my own birthday party! Haha. And writing was a good one because I've journaled since I could write (I have a whole box full of my old journals) and I love this blog!
Anyway, I was more disappointed with my craftsmanship one because I was hoping it would be a result that would make my life plan so obvious. As I sat there, frustrated and wanting to cry, I had this amazingly light and bubbly feeling start in my gut and work its way up. I had this feeling...there weren't words really! I knew that I was supposed to do make up and I knew I was to help young women, more like teens, love themselves! I hated myself when I was young and I didn't want any other girls to feel like that.
I had this great idea, it was so good, it had to be from God! Haha. I want to do seminars for girls and teens and probably young women, where I would teach them about make up application and creating their own looks and just helping them feel pretty and good about themselves! The main point would be about loving yourself from the inside can be the most beautiful girl in the world, but if you don't love yourself then what's the point??
I feel like this is such an exciting prospect...I couldn't even type it fast enough!
I'm so pumped for this I have butterflies of nervous possibility in my stomach!

I would totally suggest this Chazown experience to anyone. It's truly intense and hard and kind of scary, but it's wonderful and surprising at the same time!
With all my love, Morgan

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sweetarts and Diet Dr. Pepper...

...are best when eaten together!
Eat a sweettart, take a sip of Diet DP and you're good to go!
I can feel the sugar high right now! Haha.
So, to continue with my weirdest week ever, (this is going to take a while to type because I keep taking sweettart breaks! Haha) I'm not sure what to even talk about!
Well, yesterday was a pretty good day...I got my hair cut...and tonight should be good...I have life group!
You might say my life is boring, and I would say, "You got that right, Bub!"
Haha, I like it that way. I think I hate dating because it breaks my schedule and makes me nervous!
Did I ever mention that green sweettarts are my least favorite??
So, to stay on topic, I am getting ready to start a Chazown experience with my church...I'll post more info about that later...I'm sure I'll have a highly dramatic post about what I'm supposed to do with my life afterwards! Hahaha.

But since I'm not sure what to type about, I'll just talk about my favorite things again!

Ok, my favorite food is....mashed taters!!
Oh man...I really want some mashed potatoes now!!

My favorite cupcakes...

Oh my gosh, this girl can bake like nobody's business! Her cupcakes (this one is my fave, red velvet with cream cheese icing) are COMPLETELY homemade!
Talk about the best darn things EVER!

My favorite piece of clothing I own...I don't have a picture of me in them but here's the basic idea...
Jeggings!!!! I wish my stomach looked as tight as those though! Lol

Since this is a make up blog (or it's supposed to be anyway hahaha)...
My favorite gold eyeshadows....

The first is Urban Decay "Chase" and the second is the Covergirl gold!
Both are such great golds...Urban Decay's is a bit more antique gold, but still beautiful!!

My favorite moment today was a little girl in the class I subbed for...she was so sweet and cute...I won't lie, when I was younger I didn't really know how to act around or help special needs children. This young lady had down syndrome, but she was just so loving and nice!
Her parents are ridiculously lucky to have her as a daughter!

My second favorite moment with a very close second...

My cousin got engaged today!!!!!!!!

This has been a very weird, yet mostly good, week...but I'm glad it's just about over! Hahaha
Hoping everyone has a great and safe weekend...
With sweettarts just about gone, and a Diet Dr. Pepper in hand, With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weirdest. Week. EVER.

So this has quite possibly been the weirdest week in my entire existence.
I have literally experienced just about every emotion you can think of.
Including the very surprising contentment!
If you don't know, Matt, my best friend/ex boyfriend left for Italy yesterday.
I think he's there now, haha.
His phone won't work there and his laptop didn't get fixed in time for him to take it with him to Italy.
He's supposed to message or Skype me ASAP!
And you had better do it, Matt!! haha.
Yesterday, I felt numb.
I couldn't put my finger on the emotion.
Then after Zumba, (those endorphines really do work! Haha) I felt much better.
And this morning I woke up and Gasp! Fixed my hair. Holy cow.
Speaking of Holy Cow, I wonder if we got that saying from Hindus...I think they believe cows are sacred!
I think that's a pretty legitimate question, if I say so myself!
Well anyway, it feels good not to be sad.
I let myself be sad for a couple days...I did some online shopping...not sure it worked...and I feel like everything is going to be ok!

Anyway, I actually want to talk about some beauty stuff today!
I wanted to talk about transitioning pieces into fall and winter and creating a Fashion Personality.
Ok, so a lot of people think that dresses and shorts are out the window once September hits...well you my friend, are Wrong!
You can easily pair your favorite pair of shorts with some tights and voila, you have a look perfect for the days where it's cold in the morning on your way to the 8 am class and warm when you finally get to leave work! There are so many cute options, too. There are solids, patterns, ones that have a really pretty lacy look...whatever you can think of! I totally just got some Mickey Mouse ones from Forever 21! Also, Charlotte Russe always has cute ones usually on special like 2 for $10 or something like that.

When creating a "fashion personality," my biggest advice is to have signature pieces. For instance, if my sister wears tights to school, people will ask her, "Cute tights! Are those Morgan's?", much to my sister's sadness haha. I have an affinity for costume jewelry and funky shoes...I think I am associated with them now. Also Bandanas. I wear them a lot!
Now my sister Madde wears scarves, all the time! She has so many cute ones. So her things is sandals or Toms with a plain tee and cute scarf!
My other sister dresses very eclectic...she's a dancer, but I'd say her hair is her identifying thing! She has blonde hair down to her waist that is always braided all funky or pulled into a cute bun...I think of her with a side french braid!
You see how this works??
You find something that works for you and rock it all the time!
Maybe you're like my friend Randy who always has super hot high heels!
Or maybe you have the cutest hair flowers or the coolest cardigans!
Hope this helped you think of your next new look!
with all my love, Morgan

Monday, November 7, 2011


I'm sure that was all 3 of my readers' reaction to my last post! Haha.
I can't guarantee that I'll never go all "depressed-sadness post" on you again, but I'll try to be more optimistic!

I hate being sad. It's almost worse than heartache because I don't know when the sad feeling will go away!
I know a little about both feelings and they tend to go hand in hand.

When Matt went to basic training, I was really sad and I tend to dwell in it when I'm bummed out.
So the best possible thing happened to me: I was cast in a comedy! And I personally though that my character was the funniest in the show! She was bubbly and a little dumb and an obnoxious laugher and gum chewer! Her name was literally Bubbles!! I can't find photos on this computer though...they're probably on my laptop!

The point is, I had so much fun! I allowed myself to be distracted and enjoy myself. The play rehearsed about or 6 or 7 weeks and wrapped the week before Matt's BMT graduation! I worked very hard on my little part and when I was still in San Antonio, I got a call from my sister saying I had won Best Supporting Actress at our Drama Banquet! I was so so so excited!!

To wrap up my (slightly braggy...sorry about that!!) story, here is the lesson: When you are sad or upset about something, sometime you have to MAKE yourself get past it. Of course there are much more serious conditions out there like Depression that make that pretty much imposssible, and I don't want people to think I'm talking about that. When you are experiencing plain ol' sadness, the best cure is to let yourself be happy.
Ok, I'll make a list!

One: Allow yourself to be happy.

Two: If you can't do that, sometimes you have to fake it til you make it! Have you ever had to go somewhere you didn't want to go, but you had to fake having a good time so as not to ruin it for everyone else? And you found yourself having a good time?? It is the same principle. When you make yourself laugh and smile and have fun, you start to really enjoy yourself! I had to do this and it worked for me!

Three: Give yourself time to be sad about something. Those first couple weeks were really tough for me. We're talking stuff like, crying every day, clinging to the cell phone waiting for the once a week call, etc. (One time I missed a call....oh man, I was so ticked at myself for that!)
When you go through a break up, it's ok to be sad about it! If you feel pressured to be happy about a break up, or death, or whatever, then maybe it's time to consider new friends. Be sad. Watch The Notebook. Gain a few pounds from all the chocolate and ice cream. Take a day off. Then, pick yourself up and get after it.

Four: The best way to forget about a hardship after you've taken time to deal with it, is to distract yourself. My best advice for other military girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives, etc., is to stay busy. Those months will go faster than you think. Haha, sometimes when they come back, it's a tough've settled into a routine and they mess it up a bit!!

Five: I could've turned that role down. I was tired, but honestly, being able to dive into a couple projects (Like the role, my senior memory book, school) was almost a relief! I liked feeling productive and being able to laugh was very nice! Haha.

Now, I'm no expert, but I do know (from Anti-depressant commercials...haha) that if you are feeling persistently sad and can't seem to enjoy anything, you are supposed to seek a doctor. Sometimes, we can "heal" ourselves, but sometimes we need something more!!

I'm feeling much more positive today, and I hope some of that has rubbed off on you!
Hoping you have a great day, with all my love, Morgan