Monday, October 17, 2011

Lovely Lipstick Lovers!

So, if you haven't guessed what today's topic is about then, you may need some help. Hahaha.
Jenna, an acquaintance of mine from high school, requested this post and I said I would do it Sunday.
However, I am a LOSER and got busy with home (or bedroom haha) improvements and then took a Benadryl for my allergies and promptly passed out at 9:30 pm lol.

But enough excuses! Jenna was wondering how to make her lipstick last longer. Well, Jenna, I'm going to be real honest. Sometimes you just have to find the brand that works really well for you! But I'll tell you my favorite tricks and tips and hope that some of them work for you!

  1. So, first of all, you need to exfoliate your lips. This can be done with a washcloth dipped in warm water, then rub it in little circles on your pucker. If you wanna get REAL fancy, add sugar.
  2. Add a little swipe of chapstick. Some people say not to, but the way I see it is you just removed the top layer of skin from your lips practically...shouldn't you add some moisture?!
  3. Now, here's what I would do. If you have eyeshadow or lip primer, go ahead and swipe that all over your lips. You don't need a special lip primer. Eyeshadow primer is much more practical because you'll probably need it more often than lip primer. 
  4. This step is not hugely necessary, but if you are an older woman with wrinkles around the lips, you will definitely need lip liner. Even if you're young, I think you should wear it. It just adds a good base and keeps the lipstick from sliding off. Here's what you will do. Fill in your lips with the lip liner completely. If you put it just around the corners, you will possibly have that 90's lipstick look. You know the one: pink lips, brown lip liner....I just got the a bad way! Obviously, use a color that is close to the lipstick.
  5. If you are totally opposed to lip liner, or you want a more pure color, then put your base on your lips after you put on your primer. This is a really good option, too! After you have the base on your lips, apply your lipstick.
  6. So the actual lipstick is scary to a lot of people...I can feel the sweat when I try to put on red lipstick! Haha. Basically, you need to be sure to get it all over the lips-even in the elusive corner parts. You can use a thin brush for this, too. No need to get an expensive make up brush: Go to a craft store when they have a sale on paint brushes and get a thin one for lipstick! Works exactly the same.
  7. Some make up artists have developed a good "lip stain" way of application. Basically, you put on the lipstick, blot some off til it's on very thin, and reapply like that a couple times. This makes it "stain" the lips, creating more staying power.
  8. When all else fails and you'd like to kill the person who made lipstick, buy lipstain. I like Covergirl's version! It looks like a marker and it's super easy to apply.

9. Also, my favorite lipstick is from Maybelline! But there are lots of good ones out there.

I hope this helped solve any lipstick questions! Have a suggestion? comment and let me know!
Also, go "like" my make up site! Face On/Face Off Make Up by Morgan

Leaving Lipstick Kisses, Morgan


Anonymous said...

Love the exfoliation and stain! I can drink without a straw & my lips are still full of color:)

Morgan Black said...

Thank you, Anonymous! :) I'm glad it worked well for you!

Alison Limke said...

Could you make a post about everyday make-up wear? like what eye shadow colors? or should I even wear eye shadow everyday? what about eye liner, should that only be worn at night? So a blog post to a make-up idiot!! lol

Morgan Black said...

Sure, Alison! I'll probably post it tomorrow or Sunday!