Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ahhhh!!! Halloween!!!

So, as a make up and costume obsessed young lady, I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! So much!!! Lol.
I love to carve pumpkins, plan costumes, go to haunted houses, make big fake wounds, eat all the candy, pass out the leftover candy to kids....all of it! I wish it was more than once a year!
I knew this family that didn't let their kids celebrate Halloween because they considered it pagan worship.
I almost cried for their kids!!!
That is almost like saying you won't celebrate Christmas because you're not a Christian, or because Jesus was probably born in the spring!! It's just sick! Hahaha.

So, anywho, hopefully I didn't offend everyone there lol.

My sister is not as Halloween crazed as me. She always does smart-eleck costumes. Like, "Over-Worked Theatre Student" or "Madison." She wears her normal clothes for both lol.
One year though, at the peak of her sarcasm, she put on a white trash bag and said, "I'm going as white trash." And it was flippin' hilarious!
So here are some (slightly sarcastic and smart-elecky) ideas all using a trash bag.
  1. Obviously, "white trash." You just create a hole in the bottom and wear it like a dress.
  2. Wrap it around the top of your head, not in a suffocating way lol, but like a turban. Bam, you're a genie.
  3. Get a bunch of them and cut the bottoms into strips. Put them around your waist. Now you're a ballerina. You use the draw strings as a belt to keep your beautimous skirt on. Black Swan make up is optional.
  4. Cut out a face shaped hole. Slip over body. Now you're a ghost.
  5. Copy the "strips" idea from the ballerina look. Just use like one or two though. Slip around neck. This creates a "jester clown" collar. You can make smaller versions of this for the wrists and ankles. Now you're a court jester.
  6. 6. Tie one in a Big Bow and place it to the side of your head. You now just need an eighties looking outfit, and you my friend shall look like something out of a Paula Abdul video.
  7. Tie it around your head with the "tails" going down your back. Now you're a fortune teller.
  8. Keep the head scarf on your head. Tie more bags to your wrists. Now you're a weird interpretive dancer. Dance moves are up to you.
  9. Tie it around your neck like a bow. Congrats, you're now obnoxious! Haha.
  10. You can be a trash bag fashionista. Get creative with it! Make a skirt and a blouse, attach the bow to your head, etc!
Well, that's all I can think of! If you have suggestions or improvements or more costume ideas please comment and let me know!! 
Also, you can leave comments on  my site, Face On/Face Off Make Up by Morgan
Please "Like" it first though!
Ghouls, goblins, and things that go bump in the night, with all my love, Morgan

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