Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Best Darn People You'll Ever Meet!

But I could be biased!

Here's some background on the Black family, yo.
Literally. Black is our last name lol.

My dad: He is my male personality twin. We're a lot alike. He won't talk about it, because he doesn't want to be seen as a brag, but he was scouted in high school to play basketball! A junior college picked him up and after his freshman year, the Air Force Academy scouted him. My dad, whose name is Jim, btw, was and still is really good. I'm so proud to think he worked so hard to achieve a nearly impossible goal for a 5'10" white boy! Lol. I'm so proud that he served our country and got out after Desert Storm so that Maddie and I (we were the only kids at the time) would always have him around. He is so stinkin' funny, but you won't know if you don't listen. He's like 47 and is in better shape than most guys my age. Who all can say that about their dad??

My mom: We call her mama or Balba. I am really close to my mom, Lori. She is a registered nurse and loves her job! She's like my polar opposite and we only have a few things in common: our eye color, blonde hair and our noses. But my dad has blue eyes too, so I'm thinking that could be from him! Haha. My mom is really cool; all my friends say that if they could have a second mom it would be her! My mom and dad are so crazy for each other, and they have always shown me what a married couple should be like! They met in Italy when they were 14, but broke up when my mom's dad had his first heart attack and he was sent back to the States. (Air Force runs in our veins, I guess lol) They got back together when they were in their 20's and got married! Talk about a love story, huh?

Maddie: Or Madison. Or Maddie Rhea. She's my little sister, my best friend, the one person I can always talk to! It sucks when she has rehearsal because I don't see her very often! Haha. Maddie is neat, smart, driven, funny, organized, the only green eyed child in my immediate family, and basically, she'll do great things. She'll be that broke lawyer because she'll only do pro bono cases! Hahaha. She's also almost 5'8"! I am very proud of how smart she is. She's taking all these hard classes and is kicking butt!

MacKenzie: Kenny was like the little golden child when mom had her. She was SOOOO cute! And Maddie and I so spoiled her. She had these curly little pigtails and a big baby belly! Lol Oh gosh, I loved her so much. And I still do! She is the most unique person I know. She calls herself "The Rainbow Sheep." Because being the black sheep is too boring for her! She is a great dancer- and she looks like one, too. She has the super long legs and is slender, but not skinny if that makes sense. Everybody says she should model. And she's good at math and science! Which means I'm jealous!

Trey: Now, my little brother...he's a mess lol. He's so darn cute! And he's just about good at everything! He's so flippin athletic and just a good kid. Most of the time lol. When my mom had Trey we were so excited. Well except Kenzie. She's only 18 months older and was jealous! Now they are BFF's haha. He looks just like and acts just like my mom! Everybody wants to be around both of them. I know Trey will do great at whatever he decides to do. But that goes for all my siblings, really.

Cole: He's not my real brother. He's Trey's best friend. But he's over so much, he might as well be! November is an expensive time of year for me...their birthdays are only a couple weeks apart! I love this kid like he's my own brother and I know he will do great things too! He'll probably play football for Texas! Hahaha.

I have more siblings, though. Between Maddie and I were two miscarriages. My mom was very early into her pregnancies when it happened. The hardest loss would have to be when the little twin boy babies died. My mom was pregnant with them inbetween Maddie and Kenzie; that's why there is a 4 year age difference. My brothers were healthy and all seemed well until their little hearts just gave out. My mom still had to deliver them, and she said they were tiny- about the size of her hand- but they were perfect. I know I'll see them someday and I can't wait to meet them! They would be about 14 mom could tell you exactly. I never saw my brothers, and it makes me sad that my mom had to lose them, but God has his reasons for everything. My parents were stopping after 4 kids and if we had had the twins, I would've never had MacKenzie and Trey to love.

Some people think it's silly to get emotional about the brothers I never knew, but they had a big impact on all of us I think. Even Trey asks about them every once in a while, and he wouldn't remember the night my mom and dad went to the hospital, but came home without my brothers.

So that's my family y'all! They are not perfect, but I wouldn't trade them for all the riches and glory this world can offer! With all my love, Morgan

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