Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When Life Hands You Lemons....

Make Your Own Homemade Beauty Products!!

Now, I can't really claim all of these as my own ideas, so I'll definitely give credit where it is due!

I HEART lemons!!!
They are so versatile and lovely. Plus, I love lemon scented stuff and lemon candy! My favorite Jolly Ranchers are the lemon ones! There is something so clean about a lemon.
Here are some of the best lemon tips I can muster and have tried and love all of them!
 (Well, except one...I'll point it out though!)

  1. Now, I'm no doctor or scientist so I couldn't give you all the medical benefits to them, but I do know lemons are natural bleaching agents. Because they have a bleaching property, women have been using them for years for natural highlights. When the Egyptian and Roman women got a good look at the Gaulish slaves many many centuries ago, their first thought was, "Now, how do they have BLONDE hair???" Roman women, who are Italians and would've looked like Italians lol, went to far lengths to be blonde from trying to bleach it with the lemons, to paying for wigs made from the Gauls' long long hair. (Gaul would be in the France area today, just so you know). As a natural blonde, I understand...that we're the best...hahaha! Just kidding! What I used to do before I dyed my hair red is mix up Lemon Juice and a tiny bit of Conditioner and mix it through my hair when I sat outside for any period of time! It gave me great highlights and the conditioner made the lemon less harsh. Brunettes and redheads can definitely try this, but I'm not sure of the effectiveness! I came up with this mixture, but I'm sure I heard of it online or something when I was like, 11.
2. Also, Kandee Johnson has a great video talking about a great cleansing wash using simply lemon juice, some sugar and a cotton ball or round. Click Here for the Video! She also talks about some of the technical reasons why lemons are so awesome!

3. Now, I got this from a natural beauty book when I was young, and I've never tried this one, but it makes sense. So your nails are super stained?? Soak them in warm water and lemon juice. Now, leave them for a bit and scrub them with your nail brush, or if you don't have one you could use an old toothbrush or wash cloth.

4. I heard the funniest weight loss remedy online one time that had to do with water! Basically, mix warm water with fresh squeeze lemon juice and drink up! I asked my mom about it, (she's been a Registered nurse for over 20 years!) and she laughed and said, "It's not the lemon that makes you lose weight, or cleans out your colon! It's the warm water!" Apparently, older people who have a hard time moving their bowels will just drink warm water because it gets your intestines moving!

Also, you don't need fresh squeezed! Just get some lemon juice from Wal-Mart or whatever.
I hope you liked my (mostly unoriginal hahaha) tips and have a great day!!!
Lemon ranchers and lemon facials, Morgan

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