Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hey You WhipperSchnappers!!!

Stay Off My Lawn!!!

I have old people on my mind because today is "Senior Citizen Day" at my sister's high school! So we got up early this morning and I put old age make up on her, my mom put sponge rollers in her hair, and she slipped on some slippers and a robe!
That's her, with the "Jo Bros" shirt. We went for a Cougar Granny look. Those are her friends Shelby and Rachel! That's a spicy group o' grannies if I say so myself!
But anyway, to stick on topic, it got me thinking about older people when I was checking out her outfit of hiked up sweats, plain shirt and a robe. Now, for someone trying to portray a 90 year old, this is perfectly acceptable. But anything younger than that? We need to have a fashion intervention.

I have a lot of different ages shop at my little store. We carry lots of sizes and different clothes for varying age groups. My boss, who is the buyer, goes to great lengths to make sure that any girl or woman would want to shop here. However, I am noticing a terrible and disturbing trend.

Women are simply giving up around the age of 40. Now, some are more like 50, but that is still WAY to young, people! If I hear one more lady say, "Oh, I love this shirt, but it's just too young for me...I'll bring my grandaughter here though!"

Ok, first of all, there are so many things WRONG with that statement.
1. If you love it, chances are your 16 year old granddaughter won't. She'll say it's cute...for someone your age.
2. We buy certain things that someone under the age of 30 wouldn't be caught dead in! Believe me, I'm 20. While some of our stuff is nice, I wouldn't wear it! It's for a grown, mature woman!
3. Are you being serious right now??? You're really not going to buy something that you love and makes you feel great about yourself because you're worried about an age thing?? I mean, my goodness, as long as you're not wearing a mini skirt, you're probably fine!

Shoot, when I get old, I'm going to rock my wrinkles and my water aerobics bod! Now, I know my opinion could very well change in 50 years, but when I'm 80 I'm still going to wear things I love! Yeah, I'm going to dress my age, but still be stylish. I don't care if I have to wear a bedazzled moomoo (or however you spell that word hahaha) I'm not going to resign myself to a life full of boring granny sweaters and orthopedic shoes. I will at least have cute shoe laces for them!

Can you imagine that? Me, in my Hello Kitty Orthopedic shoes?? Hahah! I love it.

With all my love and future wrinkles, Morgan

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