Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm More Burnt Out Than a Used Match!

I just made that makes sense to me, but I never was good at writing cute little witty sayings!

But I wanted to write about my school situation today! I need to remind myself DAILY why I need to finish up my Associate's.
I have a full ride scholarship to a local junior college. Before you go thinking I'm bragging, everyone at my high school was offered the same scholarship as long as they had a 2.5 GPA or higher (mine was a 3.8) and you had to keep up a 2.5 or higher in college. Ok, so you get the point: It wasn't exactly hard to get or keep the scholarship. I currently have a 3.333 y'all! I had a "D" in math and it went from a 3.7 to that...yikes!! Get a TUTOR! Haha. But I don't have to take any more math! Woo-hoo!

I am feeling really discouraged and burnt out about school right now. I am hating this semester because all of my fun history classes are online and the rest are really terrible. I have like 2 people I like in my classes lol. There's a couple of people who are straight up mean!
I keep trying to remind myself why I want to graduate.
More job opportunities. (Although, I'm a history major...hahaha)
Potential to make more money. (Did I mention I'm majoring in history??)
Umm....I'll feel better about myself?
I'll never forgive myself if I gave up free school?
I already have a lot of 40 something after this semester!
I just have to do this. My parents would be disappointed in me.
Which, as we all know, is waaayyyy worse than being yelled at!

I know this is a way weird post for a make up blog...but I just need to feel like this semester will evenutally end and I'll be able to move on and eventually graduate and it won't kill me!
I hope these burnt out feelings go away after this semester!
After all, I get to take World War II and Nazi Germany next semester!
I love all that stuff!
(Let me clarify: I hate Nazism, the Holocaust, etc. I love studying it! Haha)
Plus, typing this has helped me feel much better. I think I'll go study for my Bio test!

Good luck for all of you who feel like school stinks!
We can make it through all the papers, tests and lectures!
I've just got to remember why I used to love school so much.
With Bio books and French flash cards surrounding me, with all my love, Morgan

P.S. By the way: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! I'll post Halloween pics's a hint to the funny group costume we're doing: "Bring me my fat boys!! I love my fat boys."
Plus, this picture is awesome!! Lol

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