Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You Got Beauty Advice From WHO???

Haha, ok, so it's probably not that exciting, but some of my best beauty advice came from my parents.  Anyway, my mom's advice has always been more literal, while my dad's takes more deciphering.
To get on with the the topic! Haha.

When I was young, my mom had to do my make up for photo shoots (we'll talk about my hilarious and less than successful stint in modeling classes some other day lol) and I remember thinking she had the best make up kit. Now, I probably have three times the amount! Haha. But that made me thing: You just need the basics! My mom has blush, some base, powder, some pretty eyeshadows, some nice brushes, mascara and an eyelash curler. She doesn't NEED anything else! She has some little extras, but she rarely uses them.
Also, I came to my mom when I was like, 12, trying to peel off the make up from a recent shoot. I had run out of make up remover. So, she handed me the baby oil. Baby Oil is (obviously) used to soften baby's skin, but it will take off your make up, too. Also, ma mere uses vaseline to remove mascara.
Just from living with my mama, I've seen that it's OK to go in public with no make up! She doesn't give a care about what others think. I can respect that! Hahaha.

Mon pere (or my dad haha, I'm into this French stuff!) has always been wise. He's not a big talker, but when he does say something, I try to listen!
Especially during the summer, my sisters and I usually hear some variation of this question:
"You have a sweater to wear over that?"
Haha! I'm sure most girls have heard that!
This has taught me that Modesty is BEAUTIFUL! While I've never been a "skanky" dresser or anything, it's always good to be reminded that covering up a little bit is good. It not only keeps you warmer in your freezing Bio class, but it gives off a better image. I know lots of sweet girls who attract the wrong guys because of the image they put out.
Also, my dad is a work-out fanatic! He is 47 years old and is in better shape than 90% of the population. I'm not even kidding. Now, I know my dad is an athlete anyway, but still, it's pretty impressive that he's training for a marathon!
He's taught me that being physically fit and keeping your body healthy is beautiful, too.
A lot of women are afraid to have muscles, but there's nothing wrong with them! I wish my arms had some muscles! Maybe I need to get back to doing P90X again!

Sometimes, if you just stop and watch, you'll learn so much about yourself and others.
I hope this has given you some good beauty ideas!
Have a great day!
With all my love, Morgan

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