Friday, October 21, 2011

Argh! I'm not a pirate...

...I'm just flippin' exhausted! Haha. And I can't talk right!
My mom always says this generation is lazy and doesn't want to work...and Boy, is she right! I wanted to sleep in and do nothin' today! I usually have Fridays off, but this week we had a schedule change...almost makes it worse! This time last week, I was probably sleeping...No, I subbed. Never mind lol.

So, I am trying very hard to be honest when I type these posts. I don't want to seem like I don't make mistakes, because I do. All the time. I screw up daily. Multiple times. Lol.
Basically, without saying names, there was a young woman who really put me down about my make up stuff. I don't want to get into specifics, because I don't think she meant to put me down. We're in similar businesses (she's hair, I'm make up lol) and I think she saw my make up site where I'm getting a little work and she got a little jealous that she hadn't thought of the same thing first! Haha.
And I understand her I am, in college, no cosmetology school, and I'm doing make up! While she had to go the cosmetology school, and had a rough time after high school!
It's taken almost a month for me to admit all this. I was really embarassed.
But the other day, I get this request through Facebook to go and "like" her hair site... That looks a lot like mine lol. So, I immediately think, "Well, heck no I'm not going to 'like' your site! After how mean you were to me?? Not gonna happen!!"
I was reading in Mark last night...I'm know it was a God thing. It was 12:30 when I got to bed and I was EXHAUSTED! But I opened up my Bible and read a verse (Pretty sure it was in Ch. 11 or 12...if you wanna check it out) and basically it said something like, You must forgive others before God can forgive you.
Well, this sent a big stab to the heart! God forgives me when I lie, or cheat, or whatever! I could like, kill someone and ask for forgiveness and he would give it to me. And I can't forgive this young lady for "being mean to me?"
I can't help but feel that this was a big "Time to grow up, Morgan!" from God. And what's funny is I've read that verse before and it didn't have the same effect on me.

So maybe it's time to swallow my pride, "like" her site, and wish her well with her business.
Pride sure tastes bad! Hahaha
With all my love, Morgan

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