Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Love Beautiful, Wonderful, Amazing Days Like Today

Why is it a good day, you may be asking?
First of all, I am a creature of habit.
I like to keep my routine going!
I'm at work on a Saturday, which is nice because I like to work Saturdays.
The store is busier and we generally have better business.
Plus, I get homework and studying caught up on when no one is here shopping!
I want to create a list of things that make me happy.
Because I like lists, that's why!!

1. Getting a call from your best friend when you normally just I.M. on Facebook.
2. Listening to all your favorite songs on your way to work.
3. Feeling pretty darn cute in your Toms, jeggings (which, yes, I do wear them as pants...get over it!), white t-shirt and beaded scarf!
4. Finally figuring out cream liner. That stuff baffled me before I bought the cheap stuff from E.L.F.
5. Getting a head start on projects! Ahhh, not feeling stressed is wonderful.
6. Researching hair and make up looks for an appointment you have coming up! AND it's a paid one!
7. Having your sister call and say she placed 1st in her preliminary Humorous Interpretation round...if you weren't a nerdy drama competitor in high school you won't understand the reference, but just know that it is exciting!
8. Seeing pictures from a recent shoot you styled and seeing they turned out pretty darn good!
9. Having a Big Gulp of Diet Dr. Pepper sitting on your computer desk.
10. Being in a super well-rested and caffeinated state!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, because it sure is beautiful in OKC today!
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

College Beauty

I think I have finally realized something about myself.
I hate dating.
You may be thinking, "Hey, Morgan, haven't you always said you hate dating?"
And I would reply, "You got that right! But here's the real reason!"

Dating takes energy.
It means if I like someone or want to get to know them, I have to get up and talk to them.
Or text or call them.
Boo!! Hiss!!
The very thought of having to use any of my energy to make someone laugh or like me sounds terrible.
Yes, I realize how embittered and negative that sounds hahaha.

But, I've been thinking and I've hardly typed up anything beauty related!
It's kind of hard because on my other blog with my friend Andrew, I have to talk about beauty stuff (He's the fashion part) so when I get on here I'm all "beautied" out!
So here are my basic college beauty tips.
I don't live in a dorm, because my college is about 20 minutes away from home and it has no dorms so I have no dorm tips, except wear flip flops in the shower so you don't get a foot fungus! Haha

You're probably going to be tired. A lot. Unless you're spoiled and only took classes in the afternoon and don't have a job. Brat. Anyway, to avoid looking ridic tired after a night of studying, or maybe just being out too late with your buds you should:
A) Wash your face very well. Especially if you didn't take off your make up the previous night. Dull skin can make you look even worse.
B) Line the inner rim of your eyes with white eyeliner. It takes out the redness.
C) If your eyes are red from lack o' sleep, use some good ol' handy dandy visine!
D) Blush on the apples of your cheeks will perk up your skin making you look more rested.
E) Obviously, you need to use a cover up on the circles under your eyes. Your cover up should be one shade lighter than your skin.

Running late? Of course you are! But this is don't have to be dressed up!
Slip on clean clothes, put on deodorant, hair in pony tail (if it's not long enough, just pin back the front with bobby pins, headband or bandana) and for goodness sakes, brush your teeth!
Don't worry about make up and take a seat closest to the back and door.
It allows for a less annoying entry to class and for a quick escape so no one sees you in your rough state! Hahaha.
If you must wear make up, then that is your prerogative. I think you should've woken up earlier though!

Is it sad that I've used all of these tips, tried and true?? Hahaha
With all my love, Morgan

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why Am I So Exhausted?

Because today feels like the LONGEST DAY EVER!!!
While I did officially start school yesterday, with just one Modern European history class, today was my full day of school. I had 4 classes, starting at 8 am.
Good news is, all my professors seem really cool and my favorite professor remembered me from last spring semester! She is so knowledgeable and I hope to be the same way when I'm teaching history one day!
I must be a glutton for punishment because I'm taking 18 hours this semester.
Two from one of the hardest (yet, still my favorite!) professor.
I have an online class that I still need to check.
If I could tell my high school self something, it would be this:
"Self, junior high sucked. High school sucked a little less. College is amazing. But it's a lot of work, so appreciate your lazy won't get many when school starts!"
I find myself always wishing time had passed.
"Man, I wish this class would just end!"
"I wish the summer would come already!"
"Is it 6 pm yet??"
But I think I need to take a chill pill and appreciate the time I have here on earth.
At my church, Pastor Craig Groeschel just preached a sermon on wisdom.
How we just need to ask for it and we'll get it!
How awesome is that?
I feel like I would have never come up with appreciating my time without my many prayers for wisdom. It is truly amazing how God works.
And he doesn't even get the cred for it most of the time.

I hope everyone is having an amazing day and enjoying it!
After all, we're not guaranteed our next breath.
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Realization of the Day

I have recently realized that I really don't want to date or have a boyfriend.
Then, I'd feel like I have to entertain the person I'm seeing and that does not sound fun.
I need a best friend.
So, I'll be taking applications. haha.
You must enjoy shopping, not be married or have a kid (Sorry, I just want a friend who's at the same stage of life as I am!) preferably not dating anyone seriously, male or female, will come over even when I say I don't want them to so as to force me to hang out with people every once in a while, understands that I don't text everyday, have a love for theater, movies, and appreciates make up...Hmm...I don't like or understand mean spirited people! Or when people make fun of others all the time. It just make me uncomfortable!
Also, be prone to obsessing over fictional characters.
Such as everything that has to do with The Hunger Games.
I would like my best friend to watch the Twilight movies with me, but understands my need to make fun of them, as well as love them secretly.
I'd kinda like a work out buddy, as well!
Sometimes I like to buy things for my friends, but I shouldn't be buying your lunch or 7/11 drink everytime we go somewhere!
Also, I don't really hug my best friends.
That's weird for me.
I don't really hug people period though!

And if my future spouse could have these characteristics as well, I'd love that! Lol.

So yeah, any takers for my new BFF?? Hahaha!
That's all folks!
With all my love, Morgan

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Bucket List

And not the really sad movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson!
I've been on Pinterest...a, I'm not totally obsessed!!!
Anyway, I've been on there and since planning my wedding just seems depressing, since I'm hardly seeing someone, I decided to do my bucket list.
You may be thinking, "Wow, that seems morbid!"
But it's totally not, and I've been having a lot of fun making it up.
And even though it's long, I thought I'd share it with you guys!

Morgan's Bucket List!!!
1.       Be a teacher
2.      Have a closet full of shoes
3.      Kiss someone famous
4.      Own a vineyard        
5.      Visit Pixar Studios
6.      Bake every single thing in a cookbook
7.      Build an Igloo
8.      Move to Chicago
9.      Find my “Peeta”
10.   Work as a Disney Princess
11.   Date a British boy     
12.   Spend an entire day watching Disney movies
13.   Build a gingerbread house
14.   Buy a pair of white shoes and doodle on them
15.   Move into an apartment with my best friend
16.   Participate in a polar bear plunge
17.   Be a good parent
18.   Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
19.   Go on a road trip to Canada
20.  Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
21.   Learn how to use chopsticks
22.  Replace my entire closet with clothes from Forever 21
23.  Go to the Carnival of Venice
24.  Visit the Sistine Chapel        
25.  Go on a cruise
26.  Meet Betsey Johnson
27.  Learn how to do cute nails
28.  Visit the Parthenon
29.  Kiss my love on the big screen at a game
30.  Spend a summer getting really tan
31.   Ride a dolphin
32.  Move to Alaska
33.  Eat a real Krabby patty
34.  Go to the Galapagos Islands
35.  Order dessert first at a restaurant
36.  Conquer my fears
37.  Go to Germany
38.  Have a pet hedgehog
39.  Visit South Africa
40.  Have my husband kiss my pregnant belly
41.   Go to Vegas with my best friends
42.  Go on a mini golf date
43.   Be married to the same person for over 50 years
44.  Go on a date with Ryan Gosling
45.  Move to Hollywood
46.  See Stonehenge        
47.  Run a 3k
48.  Visit Holland
49.  Buy a red Chanel lipstick     
50.  Meet Bon Jovi
51.   Get a matching tattoo with my sisters
52.  Let my hair get really long   
53.  Have my family at my wedding
54.  Get out of my town
55.  Visit Amsterdam
56.  Kiss under the mistletoe       
57.  Go on a midnight stroll in Paris
58.  Own a Polaroid         
59.  Have a flat stomach
60.  Have a pet cow
61.   See St. Basil’s Cathedral
62.  Visit every concentration camp site
63.  Go Diving
64.  Experience Christmas and New Years in NYC
65.  Live in Hawaii for a year
66.  Sleep on the beach
67.  Take a photography class
68.  Marry my best friend
Sorry it's so ridiculously long!
I just have so much I want to do before I get married, have kids, get too old, kick the bucket.
There is so much this world can offer and I intend on taking advantage of it all!
By the way, I totally ordered my white shoes and I can't wait to draw all over them!
Plus I got a good deal.
I ordered Bobs from Sketchers and got free shipping!
But anyway, I would love to hear other people's lists!
Wishing I was in a pair of sweats and my lumberjack pajama shirt, with all my love, Morgan

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weird But OK!

So, as I was watching "When Harry Met Sally" with my sister Maddie, one scene totally stood out to me. And not the Fake-It scene, ya dirty minded fool! Lol
It's the scene where Sally finds out her ex-boyfriend is getting married and she starts to sob and is totally broken up about it!
Well I think that is totally normal.
Even though you may never think of your ex-significant other, you have the total right to be a little sad about it.
I'm not sure why it's ok, it just is!
Men, consider this a guide to women's feelings.
At least this woman's feelings! Haha.

Here's something a lot of women tend to do...and by women I mean teens are included.
Sometimes, we get this stupid little thing called "Baby Fever."
And you're right, when you're a teen it makes no sense whatsoever!
You don't have to even be in a committed relationship or be married!
It's like, every baby you see is so cute and baby clothes are the best invention ever!!
Baby Fever is completely normal, at least I think so.
As long as you don't act on it when it's not the right time to be knocked up, you're totally fine.

Somedays, women are just sad, and you're just going to have to deal with it.
It's not something we can control; would we stay sad if we could help it??
I didn't think so!
The safest thing to do is run a warm bath, pick up Chinese, stick in The Notebook and hand over the one pound Hershey's bar.
I could go for all of that and I'm not even sad! Lol. I just happen to be love the Notebook, be kinda chilly, and am craving something sweet (chocolate) and salty (Chinese!!)

Sometimes, we have these things called, "Fat Days."
Yeah, we can't avoid them either.
There is probably nothing you can say to help us feel better.
And for goodness sakes, don't offer to help us work out!!!!
I, for one, know how to work out and I don't need your help!
Plus, it makes us feel like you agree, we are fat! Haha.

Well, that's all for today!
Have a wondermous day and be sure to hug someone today.
Just trust me: it sounds weird, but everyone should be hugged at least once a day!

By the way, I think my sisters and brother and best friend Tim read my mind...I was super thirsty and they brought me a Watermelon Icee!
Huzzah for 7/11!!!
With Icee goodness in hand, and all my love, Morgan

Friday, January 6, 2012

Today Is a Great Day

For no particular reason, and for every reason, today is a great day.
I gave up caffeine on the first of January...and I only have a small headache today!
I had some killer ones earlier this week, but I feel pretty good now!
So that's one plus!
I'm at work and I've been quite productive.
I've researched my degree program at UCO (they have it, huzzah!)
and I researched for two degrees for my mom!
She's going back to school!
To be a school nurse, where she now works, you must have a Bachelor's degree.
She has an Associate's because that's what it takes to be a RN.

It's like I said!
I don't have a particular reason to feel joyful, I just do!
I believe we would call that a "God thing." haha! 

Oh! Oh! I almost forgot to mention this!
Guess who has their first print job tomorrow??
That's right!
I'll be sure to fill you in as soon as possible!

So, I wanted to tell you about this really cool new hair styling tool I just got...I need to take pictures so I can show you the difference!
It's called "The Bombshell" Rod Curling Iron from Sultra. I got the one inch rod.
It has definitely taken some getting used to, but here's what I liked:
One) It heats up in like, 5 seconds. I'm not exaggerating.
Two) The shape of the curl is completely different from a straightener curl or even hot rollers.
Three) It gave me a totally different look! I can't wait to use it on clients!
4) It comes with a cleaning cloth...which is so lovely. Hair styling tools can get so grubby looking!
5) I just like new toys! Hahaha

Also, my mama bought me the new Naked 2 palette from Urban Decay for Christmas!
It is as beautiful as I pictured it would be.
I love that it comes with golds and bronzes, but also "Blackout" and some grays and silvers perfect for creating a more classic smoky eye.
And it came with the cutest little tube of the Naked Lip gloss that I seriously love!
I never wear lip's just sticky and messy. But this stuff is none of those things!
And the color is gorgeous.
The best colors are probably "snakebite", "Bootycall" (seriously, that's its name haha!) and "halfbaked."
It's kinda pricey (all Urban Decay stuff haha) but I think this would be a better investment than some of their palettes because the colors easily translate from day to night.

Well, that's all folks! Have a great day!!
With all my love, Morgan