Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just Had To Show You...

A sample picture of my gorgeous sister's senior pictures taken by the VERY talented Brandon Burton Photography. I love them; it's a husband and wife team and they are so awesome.

Love it!!! On a side note, all copyrights to Brandon Burton Photography. I do not own this picture, and do not claim to. I simply like to brag! Haha
I love getting to do my sisters' hair and make up and this was one of my favorites.
I'll probably post more later today, but I didn't want to forget to post this!

Ok, y'all! It is 10:45 at night and I wanted to tell you about my day. I had to calm down before I wrote about this.
Here's the Story: So, I'm working at the store and a lady and her daughter come in. Fast forward through some slightly awkward conversation, the "mom" in the situation proceeds to make a comment about how "Fat people just need to lose weight!" and when I said, "As long as they are exercising and trying to be healthy, I don't care what size you are." (I'm thinking, HELLLOOOO? Plus size models??) And she says, "Well it's just not acceptable to be an XL." I end the conversation and she thankfully drops it. That was REALLY uncomfortable for me. Like, I wanted her to leave. Then she goes on to say how my store is unoriginal and needs to be more like (insert store she suggested here.) Now, I won't lie, the worst part of working in retail is not being able to say what you really want to say.

My View: Ok, I honestly don't know why she thinks I would ever agree with her statement on people being too "fat" if they're an XL or bigger. Some people look GREAT with some weight. And as long as you're making sure your heart is healthy, I couldn't care less if you're an XS or a Triple X! Lots of beautiful women are not size 0's, like this woman and her daughter are. Plus, it's not like I'm super tiny. I'm anywhere from a 7 to a 9 depending on the store! I truly believe it's better to take care of your body than worry about being a certain size.

Crystal Renn, anyone?? She's plus size AND gorgeous!

Also, I'm not making you stay in my store. I love where I work. I've been there since it's opening so it's like I've watched it grow up. I may not own it, but I still feel a responsibility to it. Don't insult the store; if you
don't like it then leave! That goes for people's size; if you don't like it, don't look at it. Simple as that.

Moral of the Story: Don't make inappropriate conversation with the store clerk. I've dealt with perverts, rude and snobby, and just plain mean. And come on people. There are so many medical reasons people have a hard time losing weight. Polycistic ovaries, for instance. My friend Savannah is very thin naturally; I think she MAYBE wears a 3. And she couldn't gain weight if she tried. It's the same thing for heavier people.

So the next time you want to make fun of people, go talk to a person you know will agree.
Because I can guarantee your retail clerk won't.

Sorry for the rant everyone, but some things I just have to say! I promise for something a little more light hearted tomorrow!
With all my love, Morgan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this Morgan! Thank you for the shout out!