Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm a Big Loser...

For not posting anything in a while!
In my defense though, I was in the history-filled San Antonio, Texas!!
I was able to go because Southwest Airlines had their 40th anniversary and I was able to buy tickets for my sister and myself for RIDICULOUSLY cheap! Plus, my best friend in the entire world lives there! He joined the Air Force after high school and that is where he was stationed. Matt and I used to date, but now he is one of the only people I feel comfortable really talking to. Anywho, Matt is being transferred to Aviano Air Base in North Italy in a few months so I wanted us to hang out for a good amount of time before he left for Italy for 3 YEARS!!!
Anyway, I'll post pictures later from the trip, but I'll break down what we did.

Friday, August 26th.
Madison and I pack after my little family birthday celebration.
Why, yes, we are procrastinators!

Saturday, August 27th.
5 a.m. I wake up to get ready. We have to leave at the buttcrack of dawn.
7:35 a.m. Plane takes off! We joke about people actually using the doggie bags. "Oh, flight attendent! I have a prezzy for you!!" Maddie gets "plane sick," which is a thing apparently. Nearly pukes.
8:30 (ish) Land at Dallas Love Field. Eat some Mickey D's. aw yeah.
9:30 (ish) Plane takes off to San Antonio! Maddie is still feeling sick :(
10:35 Plane lands and thank goodness! Nothing worse than having a nauseus (sp.) person sitting next to you! Bonus: No one sits by somebody who might vomit, though!

But this blog is feeling a bit long...tune back in tomorrow (or later, if I feel like it!!) for more scoop on our mini-cation!

Empty doggie bags and lovely flights, with all my love, Morgan

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