Thursday, September 1, 2011

Here's The Low Down.

I need to vent for like, 2 seconds and I'll be back to the original subject of the day.

First of all, I am not stupid. I am by NO means brilliant, but when it comes to certain things, I know my stuff. For instance, I am quite familiar with certain historical subjects and I can make a "Plain Jane" look gorgeous. I am not stupid because of how I look or because I am a make up artist or a retail clerk. I am one of the few people I know that will graduate on time from Rose State, dang it, and I am sick of being treated like I'm a flippin' idiot. It is so frustrating.
Also, I figured out a few years ago that no one gives a crap about my opinion. That is why I never talk about Make Up or Hair or Fashion to anyone, because NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR IT! So I would appreciate if everyone will quit shoving their opinions down my throat. Just because you have an opinion on something doesn't mean it's right, and I frankly don't want to hear it.
I am often times made to be the friend who always has to listen to others' problems, but when something is going on with me no one cares. So I'll be the same way if you wanna treat me like a welcome mat.
I will probably end up deleting this, but when I graduated from high school, I didn't have a good reputation in Drama...I know I was the "Class B*tch." I decided I would be nice and sweet in college, but honestly I'm not seeing how it's helped any. I have to talk to people I don't like ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME now! I know it's part of growing up, but man I hate it.

So, to talk about beauty now! Haha. Bipolar post, I know.
I don't like when ladies say, "Oh, pink is NOT my color, I never wear it!" or "Insert hated color of choice."
I feel like all woman should wear whatever color they want, anytime! I know purple isn't really my best color. I'm pale, blue eyed and my hair is (not naturally lol) red. But I love purple, it's such a great color! Also, I know Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear would kill me for saying this, but I think people should wear what they feel good in! It's about having the confidence to rock something outrageous! And when you're confident, you're usually at your most beautiful.
However, there are some warnings. If you are 70 and decided to rock that leather mini and boustier (sp) you will probably get weird looks! If you are a young waitress who happens to carry around a lot of ones, as waitresses often do, and you wear thigh high leather boots with a five inch heel, you MAY get asked if you're a stripper. Hopefully just the high end kind, for athletes and governors though.
In conclusion, I want women to wear whatever the heck they want! Red heads: Wear red! Looks great with the hair! Brunettes: Rock purple like it's no one's business! Blondes: Wear Pink! Everyone LOVED Legally Blonde!
With all the color and love in my frustrated and confused little heart, Morgan

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