Tuesday, September 20, 2011


...I never update this lol.

Sorry about that...but I think only one person reads my blog so I don't feel TOO bad! Lol

So, I've been really busy lately and I'm only getting busier. My little store has been picking up some business because of a sick sale we've been running and tomorrow we will be featured on channel KSBI's All About You OK52. And yes, that is a TV show you've probably never heard of! Lol. Anyway, I'm pretty excited because I'm doing my boss' hair and make up! Plus I get to be one of the models! Who knew, little short average sized me would ever model?? Hahaha.

My topic of the day would probably be about NOT bringing others down or acting like a know-it-all.
I'm really bad about this because I am a super critical person; of myself and others. This can be a little harsh to some people because I'm usually not meaning it to be rude, but to be constructive. I didn't realize I did this until my mom criticized a couple of things concerning me and it hurt my feelings! But I was like, "Well, I would probably say the exact same thing!"

This is something I'm still working on about myself, especially if I continue to pursue hair and make up. It's so easy to think, "Oh man, with some blush and way less eyeliner you would look great!" But you can't say those things unless someone asks. Just because you know something about make up and hair doesn't mean you should let everyone know.
Not that long ago this little girl came up to me all annoyed because my bangs "looked bad" to her. Well this flipping annoyed me because what does an 11 year old know?? So I told her exactly what I printed in bold in the previous paragraph.
But this can apply to everything in life! Just because you use Urban Decay eyeliner doesn't mean you know the best make up brands! Shoot, I've used some really good eyeliners I got for 99 cents at Target! Just because you got a 36 on your ACT doesn't mean you should tell everyone and act like to smartest person ever. Everyone still has something to learn. Although, if I got a 36, I'd want to tell everyone, too! Hahaha.
And even though I've been doing make up for a few years now doesn't mean I know it all. I still have so much to learn!

Thank you for reading and I hope your day is as beautiful as mine!
With all my love, Morgan

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